
Story of Suitors

Once again I had the dream of stepping into the shoes of my Horizon OC so I might as well log it for fanfiction ideas! This even might just be a few chapters away in my fanfiction. I love getting these ideas. It was morning in Meridian and I woke up with a bout of… Continue reading Story of Suitors


Wandering Bride

Just when I finished writing my last dream, my brain decided to give me another! I'm not going to share the first half because it was very disturbing and upsetting so I'll keep it brief. I was walking through a shop and then a city wearing a long red and white outfit similar to the… Continue reading Wandering Bride


Meridian in Starlight

Avad is such a romantic and more and more in my dreams foreshadow the final battle to come. I had a series of dreams the other night and some of them were linked and others not so much. The first I remember was a scene from The Mummy Returns. I was in my house alone… Continue reading Meridian in Starlight


Just You And Me By The Red Water

Long time no see that's what I want to say because it feels like I haven't blogged much this month. Well, after celebrating my birthday, I started playing Detroit Become Human and have been playing the hell out of it whenever I get a day off. I will often play at times where I am… Continue reading Just You And Me By The Red Water


The Devastator

I didn't play Village all week last week due to being on night shift and my desire to ensure my well-being was taken care of before doing anything absorbing as a video game new to me. By the time I got back to it, first I stormed the stronghold assuming Karl Heisenberg was luring me… Continue reading The Devastator


Falling for and Dreaming about a Villain

I have a lot of fictional crushes, but most of them are on the good side, or they used to be evil but turned good. But after playing through Halo 4 a few times, I suddenly developed a soft spot for the villain in the game: Shadow of Sundered Star a.k.a the Didact or Ur-Didact… Continue reading Falling for and Dreaming about a Villain