
Together on the Road

Well now, that dream definitely gave me some ideas for one of my fanfics so I better write it down so I can refer back to it anytime. It's very similar to another I had that was an inspiration for the story in the first place, but I sid not act on it until watching… Continue reading Together on the Road


Just You And Me By The Red Water

Long time no see that's what I want to say because it feels like I haven't blogged much this month. Well, after celebrating my birthday, I started playing Detroit Become Human and have been playing the hell out of it whenever I get a day off. I will often play at times where I am… Continue reading Just You And Me By The Red Water

fandoms, Life

Devotion to the Metal Bending Lord

I don't know if the title's perfect but it'll have to do, Never have I ever met somebody like you Karl Heisenberg....but goddamn, you got me in love again. Behold: I was quiet about this for a whole month, except for my social media platforms! Another virtual event I took advantage of. When I fall… Continue reading Devotion to the Metal Bending Lord


Chasing the Shadow

Wow what a dream! Why am I not surprised about this one? Oh yeah cause Halo MCC came out on PC this week. I finished my campaign run yesterday and enjoy playing Firefight arcade online. So now I'm alternating between that, Darksiders, and Stardew Valley. Playing Halo again has caused some feelings and memories to… Continue reading Chasing the Shadow


The Ogan Beauty Pageant

Ah there's nothing like starting a new month with a vivid dream! It's been such a long time and I think it was at a good time too. I was out with my friends last night at a buffet, but after helping myself to my first dish, I suddenly got this ache in my abdomen… Continue reading The Ogan Beauty Pageant

Music and Bands

If I Became a Lordi Fan in 2006

Have you ever asked yourself this question whenever you became a fan of a band or artist? Every musician has gone through their prime, and it seems that I'm frequently late to the party since I didn't get into heavy metal until I was 18. So, one thing that really came to my mind after… Continue reading If I Became a Lordi Fan in 2006