
No More Reading Comments

It's a tough habit to break but we all fall into the trap eventually. The best decision you can ever make online is do not read the comments. Ever. Because if you noticed it's never a safe place, it's always toxic. Some of my friends will joke about how entertaining it is to read them,… Continue reading No More Reading Comments

fandoms, Life

I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions

Remember when Facebook was just about you hit "Like" on something and leave it be if you had nothing else to say? Ah, those were the days.... not anymore. When I was in college, Facebook released an update that allowed us to now "react" to posts to show the OP how their audience felt about… Continue reading I Really Dislike Facebook Reactions


The Damages of Unfriending

It may not seem like a big deal but social media has given us the power to cut someone out of our life, just like that, without seeing them in person. When people unfriend me, the first thing I ask myself is why? What did I ever do to you? I remember I lost someone… Continue reading The Damages of Unfriending


My Relationship With Memes

Ah, memes, the pinnacle of the Internet to provide us with laughs over everything imaginable. I first heard of what a meme was in high school and it's safe to say that I didn't get it at first. My friends were already absorbed by them and to me, they were just images with text added… Continue reading My Relationship With Memes


One Month Later After The Breach

So, it's officially been a month now since my Instagram was hacked. How am I doing now? Better actually, I feel like I have become smarter and can spend more time doing things I love to do even more than scrolling the app. I remember in the moment I was devastated at first that I… Continue reading One Month Later After The Breach