
Extras – Hidden Aliens

After finishing the last book, Specials, I thought maybe this is a good ending to the series. The world is no longer divided based on appearance and no one is getting their brains altered for the surgeries. All thanks to Tally Youngblood who surprisingly chose to stay as a Special. She has managed to think… Continue reading Extras – Hidden Aliens


Specials – Rise of a New System

Onto the third book of the Uglies series. This one felt like it didn't have as many exciting moments in it like its predecessor, even though there were a lot of action scenes. At this point it has definitely become like The Hunger Games. Tally is now part of Special Circumstances, the elite force who… Continue reading Specials – Rise of a New System


Pretties – Stay Bubbly to Survive

Miss me? I spent the last week settling into my new job and working on some Wattpad projects. I recently finished the second book in the Uglies series and this one was actually shorter but really built up the intensity of the series. The last book ended with Tally volunteering to test out the cure… Continue reading Pretties – Stay Bubbly to Survive


Uglies – Rebellion Against Plastic Surgery

Sounds like quite the relevant title for this review don't you think? I first heard of this series back in high school when the first novel was one of the books I could choose to read in English class, so I went with it and remembered reading it and liking the concept. Now, here I… Continue reading Uglies – Rebellion Against Plastic Surgery


In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI

Good thing I get an extra day off, otherwise I'd be scrambling to try and write this dream during my lunch break. I worked the Civic long weekend so that's why I'm here now. I didn't want to use the word apocalypse in this article's title, but it was the only thing that fit. To… Continue reading In The Dawn of the Apocalyptic AI