
Story of Suitors

Once again I had the dream of stepping into the shoes of my Horizon OC so I might as well log it for fanfiction ideas! This even might just be a few chapters away in my fanfiction. I love getting these ideas. It was morning in Meridian and I woke up with a bout of… Continue reading Story of Suitors


The Crown – Unexpected Winner of her Heart

And now, I have reached the conclusion to this series that in my mind, is very underrated. I was eager to find out immediately after finishing the last book who Eadlyn was going to choose. Eadlyn has now narrowed down her options to Gunner, Hale, Ean, Fox, Kile and Henri. I've said it before and… Continue reading The Crown – Unexpected Winner of her Heart


The Heir – The New Competition Begins

I took a break from reading this series which turned out to be longer than expected as this novel takes place at least two decades after the first three books. A lot has happened since America Singer won the last Selection, Maxon became king and took her as his queen. The castes have been dissolved… Continue reading The Heir – The New Competition Begins


Wandering Bride

Just when I finished writing my last dream, my brain decided to give me another! I'm not going to share the first half because it was very disturbing and upsetting so I'll keep it brief. I was walking through a shop and then a city wearing a long red and white outfit similar to the… Continue reading Wandering Bride


Meridian in Starlight

Avad is such a romantic and more and more in my dreams foreshadow the final battle to come. I had a series of dreams the other night and some of them were linked and others not so much. The first I remember was a scene from The Mummy Returns. I was in my house alone… Continue reading Meridian in Starlight


The One – A Princess-To-Be

I can't put this series down; the third book felt full of surprises. Many things I said about the second book made me excited to start the next one, and I was right about those things. I only wanted to see America Singer and Maxon Schreave together because they seemed meant for each other. Maxon… Continue reading The One – A Princess-To-Be


The Elite – Breaking of a Prince’s Trust

It took me longer than I anticipated to finish the second book in this series, but I am still enjoying it a lot. This one definitely was the part of the overall story where things take a turn for the worst. But that's what keeps us reading right? In this novel, America Singer and five… Continue reading The Elite – Breaking of a Prince’s Trust


The Selection – Competition For His Heart

This is a book series that I stumbled upon in the Kobo store, it interested me right away and I thought it was a fantasy story mostly, but when I actually started reading it, I realized it was fantasy, but also a combination of dystopia too. It's like the Hunger Games, but without competitors killing… Continue reading The Selection – Competition For His Heart