
So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds

We're back on Dawn Rochelle's journey. After her bone marrow transplant, she returns to the cancer camp as a counsellor this time. This was a much different take than the last volume and introduces several new characters such as Marlee, a girl with cancer still on chemo, and Brent, Sandy's brother. I'll admit when I… Continue reading So Much To Live For – Sisterly Bonds

Music and Bands

Honey I am a Free Warrior of the Night and Dark – Music of February 2020

It's a Leap Year! How often do these things occur anyway? My social media memories are all screwed up because of this. Instagram thinks it's March 1st when it really isn't. On with the music shall we? Lordi - Like A Bee To The Honey This, time Lordi's gone the experimental route again. This… Continue reading Honey I am a Free Warrior of the Night and Dark – Music of February 2020