
I Want To Live – Don’t Ever Grow Up

Well, that's a wrap on the second book of the Dawn Rochelle series. This one was a lot shorter than its predecessor and I'm bouncing between it and the Kingkiller chronicles reading multiple books at once is something I stopped doing years ago, so I'm not sure why I'm doing it now! Anyway, it's been… Continue reading I Want To Live – Don’t Ever Grow Up


Six Months To Live – The Uncertain Future

This is a book that I read in high school. In the last two years there, I would often pick one period, other than lunchtime that I could spend in the resource room to either read, do some homework, or study for a test. I would often dig around for a book to read and… Continue reading Six Months To Live – The Uncertain Future

TV Series

My Problem With Medical Dramas

I currently watch three medical dramas on CTV. While they can be addictive, they aren't perfect. Everyone knows Grey's Anatomy, it's been around for decades with 17 seasons and counting. Then there's The Good Doctor, which I thought was a step in the right direction introducing a surgical resident with ASD like me, but even… Continue reading My Problem With Medical Dramas

Music and Bands

When Bands Split

Nobody likes to hear when their favorite band disbands, it can be devastating given the influence they have on fans, and lately I saw that this month appears to be the splitting of two bands I know. These bands in terms of how much I love them, on a scale of 1 to 10, are… Continue reading When Bands Split


Still Me – Identity Crisis

I have made it to the end of this trilogy of Louisa Clark's journey, and I think it's safe to say this book was extremely predictable. When Lou arrives in New York, she is working a job as an assistant to the young wife of an entrepreneur and my first thoughts were, does Agnes have… Continue reading Still Me – Identity Crisis


After You – The Paramedic and The Daughter

That's another book down, and it's time to review it. This one is the sequel to Me Before You, so without any further ado, The last book ended with Louisa in Paris and it seemed like she was ready to follow her dreams, but in reality now she's in London working another low-paying job and… Continue reading After You – The Paramedic and The Daughter

Music and Bands

Blue Times of Anxiety and Seeing Guardians – Music of April 2020

Another month gone. It feels like it went by so slowly because I go to work, go home, help make dinner, and then play games before I go to bed. So what did I pick this month? Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky This was playing on the radio one morning and I… Continue reading Blue Times of Anxiety and Seeing Guardians – Music of April 2020

TV Series

Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart

What is the cost of lies? I never thought I'd be writing about a series like this. But now, I am and there's lots to say. I originally was not interested in watching Chernobyl but I had suddenly changed my mind and gave it a go. Not sure why at first, but maybe it was… Continue reading Chernobyl – Scars To My Heart