
Man Or Beast

It took me a few days to regain my lost sleep which I guess is normal when you get a new job. This dream was all over the place with me wandering through a convention to sitting at the back of a boat claiming that Optimus Prime was waiting for me at the shore. Then,… Continue reading Man Or Beast

Gaming, Movies, TV Series

The Fictional Characters Tag

Everyone knows how much I love fictional characters. Some of them I want to date, others I want as a best friend or sibling. None of them are real, but in my heart they are, and they make me happy in the darkest times. So I have decided to create a tag dedicated to fictional… Continue reading The Fictional Characters Tag


The Gamertag Remastered

Yep, here's another tag of questions post for everyone to enjoy! I actually enjoy doing these, and find myself open to more of them ever since I moved to WordPress. This particular tag, is not one you need to be nominated for, but the original author Michelle who runs the blog http://ageekgirlsguide.com allowed us to… Continue reading The Gamertag Remastered


Basalit-An You Are Also My Kadan

It's clear to me that I must have at least one dream about each of my Qunari crushes because the Maker knows I have a weakness for Qunari! The truth is I have a lot of Qunari dreams, but only a few of them make it to this blog. The rest of them go to… Continue reading Basalit-An You Are Also My Kadan