
Xbox Games Showcase 2024 Highlights

I know this conference was over a week ago but since I have been working on a lot of gaming content lately, I've had to prioritize accordingly. My, my how things have changed. Every game conference used to fall under E3 but now each company just holds their own conference at different times. Microsoft and… Continue reading Xbox Games Showcase 2024 Highlights

Music and Bands

Uprising Dust and Misery on a Rocket Man – Music of June 2023

Hello summer and praise the Sun! Haters please exit and don't come back until autumn, I won't warn you again! 2023 feels like a rollercoaster so far this year as first it went up with the adoption of two new cats, purchasing first car which I proudly named after one of Motorhead's underrated albums, and… Continue reading Uprising Dust and Misery on a Rocket Man – Music of June 2023


Infernal Sky – Alien Allies

These Doom books are really burning through my brain, in a good way of course! What can I say about the third one? Well it was easy to follow at first and it started off with the characters all in Hawaii enjoying some well-deserved R&R until demons break loose in the labs. My favourite… Continue reading Infernal Sky – Alien Allies


Hell on Earth – Leading the Rebellion

Continuing on with this series, once again I find myself not taking the plot seriously in order to write these little reviews but again, it's DOOM so it's not meant to be like that. It's also not DOOM Eternal which had way more lore than this. Picking up right where the last novel left… Continue reading Hell on Earth – Leading the Rebellion


Knee-Deep in the Dead – Beginning of the Invasion

Another book is done! Writing this now reminds me of the time I tried to read another DOOM novel that took a different approach but I think this one is a much better story that is an ode to the classic games. There are four novels and this is the first one. The moment… Continue reading Knee-Deep in the Dead – Beginning of the Invasion

Music and Bands

All Davoth Loves is Fame and I – Music of July 2021

I'm settled into my new job now and there's been a lot going on with me adjusting and trying to get enough sleep, all while making time for maintaining this blog, my Wattpad work, and my video games! Here are the songs for this month. Cyndi Lauper - All Through The Night When it… Continue reading All Davoth Loves is Fame and I – Music of July 2021


The Ancient Gods Part II – Armageddon

Hell yeah, I'm on a roll! I just completed the second DLC for DOOM Eternal and I've had an absolute blast with this game over the past few months, even if it did involve a little grinding! This DLC is only a couple of months old and I feel like I had a dream the… Continue reading The Ancient Gods Part II – Armageddon


The Ancient Gods Part I – Resurrection

That's a wrap on the first DLC of DOOM Eternal, I must say that it was definitely harder than the main campaign even on Hurt Me Plenty and being a DLC, it's shorter than the base game. After the defeat of the Khan Maykr and the Icon of Sin, the demons have now overtaken Urdak… Continue reading The Ancient Gods Part I – Resurrection


Steam Summer Sale 2021 – What I Bought

It's that time of the year pyjaks and it's extremely easy to fall for! Sometimes I don't want to because my backlog is big enough already but I've actually done a decent job clearing some things off of it the past month. Sure it may not have been like ten games, since working full-time has… Continue reading Steam Summer Sale 2021 – What I Bought