
My Steam Replay of 2022

To wrap up 2022, Steam just launched a new feature that gives us a rundown of our gaming activity for the year. You know, like Spotify Wrapped for those who use it. I was actually quite surprised with the results that Valve was able to pull, especially since I can be so engrossed in a… Continue reading My Steam Replay of 2022


Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions

Is there a heart inside the chest of the android? What do you see, machine or man? Sing it with me now! That's the perfect song to describe a game like Detroit: Become Human! It is also the first game I've played that started as a PlayStation exclusive before it branched out to PC. I… Continue reading Detroit Become Human – I Am Alive, Android Revolutions


Just You And Me By The Red Water

Long time no see that's what I want to say because it feels like I haven't blogged much this month. Well, after celebrating my birthday, I started playing Detroit Become Human and have been playing the hell out of it whenever I get a day off. I will often play at times where I am… Continue reading Just You And Me By The Red Water


Fangirling Androids

I love having these dreams that take place in the universes of video games that I will be playing soon for the first time. It's happened with Village, Dragon Age, and The Witcher in the past. Some I've written of while some I have not. What's fun about them is my imagination runs freely to… Continue reading Fangirling Androids