
Gris – Visualizing the Stages of Grief

There are many indie games that I have played that are simply stunning but nothing compares to Gris. Seriously, where do I commence? I bought it during the summer sale last year when I was attracted to its ethereal atmosphere and beautiful soundtrack, I was not disappointed once I started playing. The game centers around… Continue reading Gris – Visualizing the Stages of Grief

Life, Music and Bands

We Need New Music Now More Than Ever

I've been planning to write this for a while and in the beginning I thought not to because I don't like to talk about real-world events on my blog that put stress on everybody's shoulders, including my own, but sometimes, I do have to let it out for the sake of my mental health. As… Continue reading We Need New Music Now More Than Ever


Downfall – A Twisted Mind

I never thought about reviewing this game. I started to write it and then I changed my mind. But then, I remembered how much I enjoyed the universe this game comes from and its predecessor. I also remembered that if I wanted to review a game, I didn't have to just stick to ones that… Continue reading Downfall – A Twisted Mind


The Cat Lady – Soul for a Soul

I haven't done a video game review since my first run of the Dragon Age trilogy, and often whenever I complete my first play through of a game on Steam, I just review it there and that's it. Although I love Slime Rancher and always come back to playing it, no review ever made it… Continue reading The Cat Lady – Soul for a Soul