
My Favourite Live-Action Disney Films

Disney live-action remakes are those types of films that people love or hate depending on many different things such as the changes made in the plot, cast, songs present, etc. I try to keep an open mind but as more of them are released, I haven't been as interested in them lately. Although I made… Continue reading My Favourite Live-Action Disney Films


Run From The Lady To Reach The Maestro

Dreams are so good at foreshadowing things that are going to happen in my life or my hobbies, and they're also good at projecting fantasies into something more vivid. I slept in this morning since I've been working late for two weeks straight and I woke up feeling extremely refreshed, but I go back to… Continue reading Run From The Lady To Reach The Maestro


My Favourite Cinderella Adaptations

Cinderella is one of those classic fairy tales that has been remade time and time again. It's one of my favourite stories that I never get tired of reading or watching about, no matter what version it is. So, we all know the original 1950 one from Disney. While that Cinderella will always remain a… Continue reading My Favourite Cinderella Adaptations