Music and Bands

Sometimes the Right Movement is Stronger in Shadows – Music of November 2021

Another month has gone and I spent a lot of it working now that I am adjusted to life with twelve-hour shifts. It turns out they are worth it because then I get two or three days off to fully recharge. That makes it easier to work on my writing, games I'm playing, schedule appointments… Continue reading Sometimes the Right Movement is Stronger in Shadows – Music of November 2021

Music and Bands

Say, Gimme a Supernova with Templars playing Music – Music of May 2020

Another month, another set of music. This blog is really growing, why didn't I start on this platform at the beginning? No matter, I'm here now right? Let's dive in! Christy Carlson Romano - Say the Word I used to listen to this song on repeat back in my middle school days because back… Continue reading Say, Gimme a Supernova with Templars playing Music – Music of May 2020