
My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part IV

Last but not least, it's time to talk about the bosses from Darksiders Genesis, this was a lot harder since the game had a different approach to gameplay and I enjoyed fighting the bosses from its predecessors at a camera angle where they took up half of my screen! That being said this game isn't… Continue reading My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part IV


My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part III

Time for the next part of this series! These are fun to write and I always have to think them through before I begin. Darksiders III was definitely the most challenging game of this series. It strongly emphasizes on proper evasion timing in order to land a successful counter. Some people don't like constant dodging… Continue reading My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part III


My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part II

Continuing on with this series, the second Darksiders game has even more boss fights than the last and this time it's more about just hitting em until they die, rather than aiming for certain weak spots. I've had to also rely on timing my dodges and using certain Wrath abilities to turn the tide. I… Continue reading My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part II


My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part I

Welcome to the first edition of my favorite boss fights from the Darksiders games. There are two main things that make Darksiders what it is and that's puzzles and boss fights: challenging but rewarding. The boss fights in Darksiders are what make the games re-playable in my opinion and defeating a boss is something I… Continue reading My Favorite Darksiders Boss Fights Part I


Darksiders III – Tricked to Extinction Within The Void

For the next part of my Darksiders III coverage, I will be talking about the DLCs and there are two of them in this game: The Crucible and Keepers of the Void. The Crucible is just like it is in the previous game, except it is a bit more challenging so this article will focus… Continue reading Darksiders III – Tricked to Extinction Within The Void