
Shadows Forever and Always

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it? Many items come and go and this one wasn't originally mine in the beginning, until I made it mine. When we were kids, my brother had a huge interest in Bionicle and had so many figures. I became interested in… Continue reading Shadows Forever and Always


Games I’m Excited For

I love writing about many different games and there are so many that I'm hyped to play but have been waiting longer than I've hoped to get my hands on them! Right now they are the following: Hollow Knight: Silksong No brainer, I've written about this one a few times back when it was announced… Continue reading Games I’m Excited For


Machines Built in Shadow

It's not often that I'm very specific on games I'm excited for, unless I'm like REALLY excited. I tend to be quiet until it becomes more real, even if there is no exact release date yet. Now is a very good time to break the silence. For two years, I have been following a developer… Continue reading Machines Built in Shadow


Like I’m The Only Girl In The Fandom

Growing up, I was used to being the only girl in situations like groups in school or other activities. One year, I joined a social skills club that took place every Saturday afternoon and all of the other kids were guys, except me. Then there was the time I took drama class in high school,… Continue reading Like I’m The Only Girl In The Fandom


YouTube Videos I Make a Ritual

It's easy to kill time on YouTube and I find myself watching certain videos on a ritualistic level. One of the reasons could be because it gives me a massive dose of nostalgia or it takes stress away instantly. Yes, rituals, as an aspie, it's very common. For anyone on the spectrum, really. Here… Continue reading YouTube Videos I Make a Ritual

Movies, TV Series

Villains With The Best Laughs

One of the most iconic things I love about a villain is their laughter. It's what makes them intimidating whether they're a serious villain or a quirky one. If a villain has a great evil laugh that makes me want to laugh with them, they become my favourite. So, you know what this post is… Continue reading Villains With The Best Laughs