
For the Matoran

These dreams start to occur more often when I finish work late and don't wake up until 7 or 8am the next day to rinse and repeat. I seem to remember them well, but only for a short while. It's like my brain is demanding I sit down immediately and write about it before it… Continue reading For the Matoran


Volaan Hunters and the Barons of Hell

Oh is it Valentine's Day? Forget that! I'm gonna write about this cool dream instead! First, the term "Volaan" means "intruder" in the dragon language from Skyrim, and in this dream I was involved in running an arena where a hunting game would take place, using volunteers sent into the arena against demons, which turned… Continue reading Volaan Hunters and the Barons of Hell


Dragons of Rovaniemi

This is a two part dream and it feels super relieving to have this at the end of a workweek after having very bland or no dreams at all. In this dream, I was in Finland. Yes, Finland, you should know by now that it's a place I've always wanted to visit. Somehow, I already… Continue reading Dragons of Rovaniemi