Music and Bands

Orgasmatron – Claw Machine and Doctor

Ready for another Motörhead album review? I am! I find it absolutely shocking that nobody knows who these guys are, hell I am also stunned how rock isn't the most popular genre anymore. But anyway, here we go again rambling on about music from a band I wish I got into sooner. I don't know… Continue reading Orgasmatron – Claw Machine and Doctor

Music and Bands

The Favourite Bands Tag

It's time that I create another tag, and this one hit me out of the blue as one of the blogging ideas that I've been having lately. So I'm starting August strong with a fun post like this one that you can do too! In this particular tag I'm going to be talking about bands!… Continue reading The Favourite Bands Tag

Music and Bands

Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

I didn't do a lot of blogging this month because I decided to take a two week break to catch up on some Wattpad fanfiction work. The result of that was I finished a story that was an extended version of a dream that I had, got another chapter published of one story that seems… Continue reading Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

Music and Bands

Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

When virtual shows became a thing last year, I originally shunned them because nothing can replace going to the event myself and seeing it all with my own eyes, even if there was still room for interaction because artists have to make money somehow in times like this. What made me change my mind was… Continue reading Virtual Worlds To Escape Into

Music and Bands

When Bands Split

Nobody likes to hear when their favorite band disbands, it can be devastating given the influence they have on fans, and lately I saw that this month appears to be the splitting of two bands I know. These bands in terms of how much I love them, on a scale of 1 to 10, are… Continue reading When Bands Split


No Need To Run, I’m Just Waiting For Someone

I have no interest in getting married now or anytime in the future, but in this dream, I felt like I was running around in a wedding dress the whole time. It was at a concert venue and I was first in line outside the building talking to people and many of them were asking… Continue reading No Need To Run, I’m Just Waiting For Someone

Music and Bands

Things to do When You Can’t See Your Favorite Band

If you're like me, maybe you have a passion for bands. But sometimes, that passion is difficult because you want to interact with that band, especially if it's not a very big well-known one. In my case, the problem that comes into play is with Lordi. They are not a huge worldwide well-known band, but… Continue reading Things to do When You Can’t See Your Favorite Band


The Ogan Beauty Pageant

Ah there's nothing like starting a new month with a vivid dream! It's been such a long time and I think it was at a good time too. I was out with my friends last night at a buffet, but after helping myself to my first dish, I suddenly got this ache in my abdomen… Continue reading The Ogan Beauty Pageant