TV Series

An End of a Surgeon’s Era

Okay so I was going to stay silent but I think the fire has died down enough for me to speak again about this one last time. The Good Doctor has reached its conclusion this month and my thoughts are swimming with surprisingly happy ones. I have previously written about how Shaun Murphy is an… Continue reading An End of a Surgeon’s Era

TV Series

The Other ASD Doctor – Stop Hating On Charlie Lukaitis

I have to get this one out and this is the safest place I can do it. A while ago, I wrote an article outlining my criticism of a TV show called The Good Doctor which is about a doctor on the autism spectrum along with savant syndrome. From there, I gave my own perspective… Continue reading The Other ASD Doctor – Stop Hating On Charlie Lukaitis


What To Say Next – Outlook On My Life

At first, I hesitated as to whether I should review this book while I was still reading it, but as I reached its end, I realized I did have something that I wanted to say about it. This is not the first book I have read by an author on the spectrum, the first was… Continue reading What To Say Next – Outlook On My Life


Learning to Drive with Anxiety

It's time I touch base on this. I've finally made a commitment to getting my driver's license and will finish the process this time. I remember having thoughts that I didn't need to drive, but as time went by, I grew tired of public transit where I had to sit waiting for buses or trains… Continue reading Learning to Drive with Anxiety


We Need More Disability Activism

The month of June is Pride Month as you all know. There are pride flags, parades, and even painted crosswalks. But even when it's not June, the coverage is still constant. I do support the rights of that community 100%, but you know what I would really like to see? The same celebrations and activism… Continue reading We Need More Disability Activism


End The R-Word

There are many words in the dictionary that sound outrageous that I never use them, but one word, in particular, stands out that I came to despise once I realized how it was being used in a derogatory way. The word is retard(ed). There I said it, that is the only time I will type… Continue reading End The R-Word


Why You Should Not Support Autism Speaks

Well, here we are. “Autism Awareness Month.” The time of year in which talks about autism will permeate well into the public consciousness. One of the larger organizations you will see leading the charge this month is one called Autism Speaks. This is rather unfortunate, as Autism Speaks is a charity that is loathed by the autistic… Continue reading Why You Should Not Support Autism Speaks