
Furry Friends

What is your favorite animal? I have a lot of favorite animals. It's very easy to answer this question with cats because I have two at home and two before them. But I want to talk about another animal I love just as much and it's rabbits. They are so adorable with their tiny faces,… Continue reading Furry Friends


A Short Hike – Hawk Peak Adventures

Ah, another cute indie game completed, this one definitely hit the spot with its atmosphere! I saw this one on Steam for a reasonably good price and started playing it a few months back so let's get straight to it. The game follows Claire, who goes with her Aunt May to Hawk Peak Provincial Park.… Continue reading A Short Hike – Hawk Peak Adventures


The Golden Compass – Daemons and Dust

It's time for another book review! I'm so glad I got this trilogy for Christmas cause I couldn't put this book down once I started it. I have been exposed to different versions of the story based off of the first book such as the film by New Line Cinema and then HBO's series. Those… Continue reading The Golden Compass – Daemons and Dust