
Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihilation – The New Dominant Races

Another book cleared from the reading backlog! It always feels so good to finish a book. This one was on my list for a while and it was the only Andromeda novel that I was interested in reading since the game ended with a distress call from the Quarian Ark being picked up by Ryder.… Continue reading Mass Effect Andromeda: Annihilation – The New Dominant Races


Monster Tight Doors Block (Almost) Everything

After working for eight consecutive days, the good dreams don't start to come until I catch up on my sleep. The one on the night before my last shift was strange, but when I went to sleep last night knowing today is my day off, I was pleased that my brain picked something so vivid… Continue reading Monster Tight Doors Block (Almost) Everything


Dead Space 2 – Hallucinations of a Dead Girlfriend

Well here we are, the first game I completed in 2020 is Dead Space 2. I started playing it alongside of Darksiders and alternated between them based on what I felt like playing. I can multitask at games and still remember the story! I decided to start with the second game after hearing from my… Continue reading Dead Space 2 – Hallucinations of a Dead Girlfriend


Chasing the Shadow

Wow what a dream! Why am I not surprised about this one? Oh yeah cause Halo MCC came out on PC this week. I finished my campaign run yesterday and enjoy playing Firefight arcade online. So now I'm alternating between that, Darksiders, and Stardew Valley. Playing Halo again has caused some feelings and memories to… Continue reading Chasing the Shadow


How Do Angara Host Weddings?

Yes, how do they? We know very little about their culture other than military and science! But yeah, so I had a dream last night that I was getting married to Jaal Ama Darav my second space hubby in the Mass Effect universe and possibly the most romantic out of all my fictional crushes. Interestingly… Continue reading How Do Angara Host Weddings?