Music and Bands

What I Listened to in 2023

It's that time of year again where I talk about the music that I listened to the most..... in my digital library of music I own or things on places like YouTube. As you know, I am not a streamer when it comes to music so I don't rely on apps to track what my… Continue reading What I Listened to in 2023

Music and Bands

Blood, Bones and the Devil House Frankenstein – Music of October 2023

Happy Halloween sick things! 🎃I haven't really done much today since I had to work tomorrow, but I did go out to see the new Five Nights at Freddy's film and I went in an outfit where I tried to look like Alice Cooper but without a wig and top hat. If I don't think… Continue reading Blood, Bones and the Devil House Frankenstein – Music of October 2023

Music and Bands

Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

My blog took a backseat this month due to the pursuit of other projects, I wanted to finish at least two more chapters of my RE8 fanfiction and I did. I was also hoping to publish one more chapter of my Darksiders fanfiction but due to other things that came up, I only managed to… Continue reading Night Drowning Thieves with Eighteen Freaks – Music of September 2023

Music and Bands

Festival of Horror – Long Live My Superbeast

Hey yeah! I haven't written about a concert in a long time! I haven't been to one since before COVID-19, hell, even when concerts slowly started to return at times, I still did not go because I didn't want to subject myself to crowds until it died down as well as cancellations due to restrictions.… Continue reading Festival of Horror – Long Live My Superbeast

Music and Bands

Parade With Freaks

I should have had more faith in times like these. But now 2023 is off to a great start. You see, I haven't been to any concerts in three years (not counting some of the virtual ones I've been to), not just due to the pandemic, but also when concerts started to resume, there was… Continue reading Parade With Freaks