Music and Bands

Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

I didn't do a lot of blogging this month because I decided to take a two week break to catch up on some Wattpad fanfiction work. The result of that was I finished a story that was an extended version of a dream that I had, got another chapter published of one story that seems… Continue reading Black as Steel Down in Style Speeding – Music of September of 2021

Music and Bands

Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019

Well, that's another month gone of 2019, this year is going faster than I thought. Maybe that's what happens when you spend it getting the motor on your career started which is exactly what I've been doing! The past month I spent job hunting and interviewing and now I have landed a full-time job at… Continue reading Storms of Money and Cherished Rocks of Woe – Music of July 2019