Music and Bands

Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021

I slept all morning after working my last night shift for the month and woke once I started to crave some tea. Before working nights for the first time in October, I read countless tips online about how to survive them. Some people said drink your caffeine or take an afternoon nap prior to the… Continue reading Bite Strong and Love Religion of the Hammer – Music of December 2021

Music and Bands

What I Listened To In 2021

I know what it is I listened to in 2021, and with my impressive memory and digital library owned by myself so that no streaming company can touch it, here's what I was listening to the most in 2021, no Spotify wrapped required! Orden Ogan Orden Ogan finally released their new album Final Days in… Continue reading What I Listened To In 2021

Music and Bands

Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020

Makes no sense again eh? Well too bad! It's the end of 2020 (at last!) would have been a helluva better year if it wasn't for the bloody pandemic. Many of you want this year to be over, I get that, but I just want this pandemic to over, even if that means it goes… Continue reading Within the Sorry Purge of Android Division – Music of December 2020


Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better

With this year coming to a close, many of us are feeling extremely relieved. For me, it's just another year passing, but yes the pandemic made it a crappy one. Everyone's counting the days until this year ends yes, but I would rather count the days until this coronavirus is eradicated. What year it is… Continue reading Things I Did To Make My 2020 Better