
Changes For Visitors

Greetings pyjaks.

I wanted to share a little update about what’s been going on this blog and some recent changes that will affect visitors.

The first being that I have purchased a domain for this blog so you might wanna re-save bookmarks. You might also see ads on the site, and as annoying as they are, they are for monetization. I doubt I’ll make a fortune with this but you never know, a backup income from doing what I love can’t hurt given the current economy!

Hopefully the ads aren’t too intrusive but if there was some other way to do this, I would do it in a heartbeat. So, in the meantime, I will be doing this on my blog.

Also, the other big change is something not everyone will agree with but goes with what I believe in. A few months ago, I received a comment on a ten-year-old article (one of the first few I ever wrote) about two bands: Lordi and GWAR and how the former was sometimes accused of ripping off the latter.

The article was pretty biased as during the time I was only listening to Lordi and not GWAR, so I was quick to defend Lordi that they are still very different bands in terms of sound and personality and Mr. Lordi had never heard of GWAR when he formed his band in the first place.

Some asshole left a comment on the article rebuking me for defending Lordi and that I knew very little about GWAR. I deleted it because one, there’s no need to necropost or be a jerk. Two, my opinion on GWAR has changed since then and I proudly listen to both bands today.

As a result of this incident, comments on my site have been restricted further. All comments will require my approval, no exceptions.

As usual, any use of degrading language, insults, and general trolling will be denied. Continuity of this behavior will have you blocked from commenting. The only way to stop trolls is to let them starve. Also if you are going to give constructive criticism, please be respectful, don’t use hateful terms, lecture, or nitpick my opinions and writing style.

Finally, to prevent necroposts and potential trolling for those who might discover one of my pieces later on, comments on articles will be locked 30 days after the date of publication.

I am sorry if this seems to be really strict or diminishes freedom of speech in the eyes of some, but being a bossy jerk or a bully is where that line is drawn. As a former victim of bullying, I take this very seriously. You don’t have to agree with everything I write about here, but if you can’t say something nice, then do not say anything at all.

Thank you for understanding, and have a great day.  This is just what helps me continue to do what I love and keep my mental health stable.


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4 thoughts on “Changes For Visitors”

  1. Good for you. I hope to one day monetize my blog as well. I’m still a little young. I’m just at about 100 days old so. Keep going and good for you. 😊


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