
Freeze? No I’ll Fry Thanks

How do you feel about cold weather?

I used to love winter as a kid when I could play in the snow, but now all that has changed.

I enjoy winter up until Christmas and then after that, I can’t wait for it to end.

We don’t get as much snow as we used to, and not to mention the awful wind chill bites at any exposed skin, which is mainly the face.

I don’t enjoy wiping the ice and snow off my car and having to leave earlier than usual if the roads are not cleared. I can not fathom why people would rather dig their car out of the snow than deal with a little humidity. Hell, some people don’t even clean all of it off!

The only other time I like winter besides building up to Christmas is when I occasionally go skiing. But overall, I just hate the cold, and I’ll stay inside where there’s heat with my cup of tea.

That’s why it gets on my nerves when people complain about the heat because, to me, winter is much worse. You can give me the “layers” argument all you want but still, at least in summer you can just get in your car and go, no need to spend extra time dressing, shoveling, and brushing.

And yes, there’s no pollen and bugs in the winter, but at least in summer, the cold and flu viruses aren’t in peak activity!


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