
Push Back The Darkness

This dream made me feel powerful as I was saving the world from a plague that was corrupting everyone. But it didn’t start that way, in fact, it began with everyone fleeing fearfully, including myself.

My nemesis had started the spread somehow, and reporters were calling it “The Darkness” for some reason. However, it didn’t do something like spread a blackout across the globe. Instead, it was an expanding blue force field, and anyone caught in it became an empty shell of themselves. It reminded me a lot of what the Specters do to adults in Cittagazze.

Nonetheless, I was helping everyone evacuate as the barrier closed in. It moved slowly and there were people I knew among the crowd, even some that had already fallen victim.

What’s strange is how slow everything and everyone was moving. It was like the barrier stopped briefly and then began to move again.

Eventually, I was guiding everyone through a pool to reach a passage to a subway to get away further. Some of them succumbed as we swam and then I turned around to see the victims already succumbing.

Suddenly, the force field stopped moving as I climbed out of the pool and started frantically searching for an entrance to the underground and it was a narrow tunnel that dropped down first.

Another thing I’ve seen in my dreams that is similar to many doors at once is an opening that I’m trying to get through but it’s blocked by other things impeding my progress to get through like boxes and other things. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t move any of the obstacles and then the barrier was moving again.

Desperate, I pushed more and more until I slid into a tunnel lit with blue lights and then I was in an empty room that was shifting rapidly and then it resembled a plaza I knew from my neighborhood.

Around my neck was a turquoise jewel that glowed and with its power, I rose into the air, creating a shield of my own that expanded for countless kilometers, pushing back this darkness that was draining people’s minds.

I could have sworn I heard a familiar melody during that part of the dream but there are so many I’ve been unable to retrieve, except from the last one about Sten. Oh well.


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