
Story of Suitors

Once again I had the dream of stepping into the shoes of my Horizon OC so I might as well log it for fanfiction ideas!

This even might just be a few chapters away in my fanfiction. I love getting these ideas.

It was morning in Meridian and I woke up with a bout of anxiety recalling that Avad wanted to see me so we could take a walk together. He was going to give me a tour of the palace to start and mentioned the possibility of visiting Alight another day as well. I was greeted by Vanasha who helped me get dressed and said the Sun-King awaited me. He was having breakfast with his little brother Itamen and stepmother Nasadi. I had not met them yet and shuddered at what they would think of me.

I walked down to the palace’s dining hall which turned out to be outdoors with a large awning to shade us. Avad rose to greet me and then introduced Itamen who was really friendly and kept asking his older brother if he liked me. Avad chuckled and told Itamen to go eat his breakfast. Nasadi welcomed me pleasantly as we sat down to eat and I still found myself shaking.

Avad told me he wanted to give me a tour of the palace as he hadn’t too many duties on this very day. I agreed to it and once we were finished breakfast, he offered his arm and I took it as we walked through the palace grounds, most of it outdoors, as we engaged in some small talk. I began to tell him stories of other suitors I’ve had and was tired of my father throwing them at me when I hated them all. He chuckled and said that his advisor Marad was the same way with nobles. It seemed like we had a friendship going even though it seemed like I did not come to him as a potential bride. But that I know changes by the time the story ends!

The dream led to where he was escorting me around the Alight accompanied by several guards. He then led me to his favourite spot on a balcony near the Spire itself. I teased him saying I thought it was next to the statue of Aloy that was recently built. But he said that it wasn’t, he had been lonely since her departure and felt hopeless that love would never come. That was when I revealed to him that I was tired of living under my father’s restraints and that I wasn’t against marriage. I wanted someone to marry whom I loved, but it felt so out of reach due to my family, and that I had also given up since the death of the last partner who was killed by a Thunderjaw. That was one of my motives to learn how to fight so that I could survive in such a dangerous world and my loved ones would not lose me.

Avad gently pulled me into his arms and whispered to me that it was okay to be upset, we both had our insecurities and vowed me that someday I would rise again strong like the sun did every day. He also said that is what he believed in himself as well, no matter how hard it became. I clung to him tightly on the verge of tears. From there I woke up from that dream but I know that scene is going to continue in my fanfiction. I’m still piecing my character’s backstory so I’m not sure if that previous partner death by Thunderjaw backstory will be final. A good story takes time but I’ve had so many dreams about Avad that there’s not a single one I have not written about.


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