
Sit Back Relax

How do you unwind after a demanding day?

My most demanding days are always the ones where I’m at work, obviously. I have this mental switch inside of me that as soon as I clock out, I’m done. Even if my brain is still replaying scenarios at work that could have gone better like solving a problem or a conversation with a coworker.

As soon as I get into my car, I put on some music and will sing the songs I love the most. By the time I get home, I put on my PJs right away and will finish the day with some evening meditation and reading a book. The meditation is especially great for sleeping better at night. If it were night shift I were coming home from, then I would just have a quick breakfast and go to sleep!

It takes time for my brain to switch off from work mode so I might still be dwelling on some things while driving home. In the past it was difficult for me to switch gears because I always had someone drive me home. Now it’s slowly becoming easier for me. Leave it to my music and meditations to turn my brain off for the day.


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