
Carrion – I Am The Monster

I never knew reverse horror games existed. I actually came across this game before and liked the idea, but I wasn’t sure about the graphics. I thought that it was better suited to be say, first-person like how the AVP game, when you play as a Yautja or Xenomorph.

But then I decided to give it a chance after all when it was a bargain-grabber on the Steam store and I actually had more fun than I thought.

It’s simply this, you play as a monstrous creature that reminds me a lot of Shoggoth from Lovecraft’s universe as you escape your containment. Then you fight and devour everyone in your path while looking for an escape to the outside world.

Eat humans to restore your health, spread your biomass, evolve and gain new abilities from finding genetic codes and use them to your advantage. I found there were a lot of situations when I had to deposit biomass to a small size in order to use certain abilities and then fight through a room full of hostile drones. That was always annoying, especially if there were enemies with those electric shields. You can’t devour them, but you can possess their corpses.

The story isn’t much, but there are flashbacks that the monster encounters where it was originally found in an egg sac and aimed to possess one of the three scientists studying it. However, it was instead forced into the open when Relith Science killed the remaining scientist and captured the monster directly.

Apart from some enemies being harder than others, especially if I wasn’t in my largest form, my only other complaint about this game is wayfinding. There’s no map and it’s very easy to get lost, especially if I want to backtrack to access certain areas I couldn’t before, so it’s no wonder I never got 100% on this game. Toward the end of the game, I got lost trying to find my way back to the place that would lead me to part of the facility where it all began because was apparently where I needed to go.

Over all, it feels good to be the monster for a change rather than always killing the monster in a horror game. It has notable flaws but it’s still a fun game that can be used to release my anger.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


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