
Furry Friends

What is your favorite animal?

I have a lot of favorite animals. It’s very easy to answer this question with cats because I have two at home and two before them.

But I want to talk about another animal I love just as much and it’s rabbits.

They are so adorable with their tiny faces, long ears, and their soft fur as they hop around!

Back when I used to go to summer camp I spent a lot of time in the nature hut feeding them and petting them. If I had any other pet besides a cat, it would be a bunny.

When I see wild rabbits outside, I seem to involuntarily say, “Bunny!” in a soft and excited way. I find it so adorable how, in the spring, the babies are curled up in a small burrow right underneath the grass.

So that also brings me to this, you can buy cooked rabbits at the grocery store, but due to my attachment to such a cute creature, I can not bring myself to eat it. I like meat, but that’s the only meat I will not eat. I don’t care if you tell me how delicious it is. I still remember one of my friends posting a meal he cooked with rabbit meat, and I had to stop myself from screaming in a comment. “HOW COULD YOU!?” Why didn’t you just make it with chicken instead?” Now that would have caused a rift.

Anyway I love rabbits, they are underrated compared to other animals we have as pets and they definitely deserve more love.


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