
Are You Not Entertained Sorcerer?

I swear, I love it when I sing in my dreams, no matter what I am doing. There was even a dream where I was singing this original song and what sucked is I could not recall the lyrics in reality for me to write it down, or the melody.

In this dream, it’s like “Carolus Rex” was close to being upstaged as the most sung song in my dreams because I’m really singing Delain’s “Hideaway Paradise in my dreams lately. Oh and this dream also felt really weird too, but it also isn’t surprising.

I’ve been spending a lot of time playing DDLV lately and I had extra moonstones so I used them to spend on tokens to collect the remaining rewards from the current Star Path. That way I wouldn’t be stressed about that particular grind when playing and could focus my sessions on Eternity Isle which was far more exciting. All that’s left for me to do now is reach the palace where Jafar awaits and I need all the Mist I can get so we can discuss how to save Eternity Isle, in person.

I’m excited because he’s actually one of my favourite Disney villains who I sometimes forget about for some silly reason! I mean, how could I forget? I’ve always liked his style, personality, and not to mention that laugh. I already knew he would be coming to the game given the teaser I saw post-credits. So you know what that means for this article, he was the star of this dream.

In this dream, I had arrived at the city of Agrabah and was apparently my Dragon Master self, but I had not yet shown my true form. I was supposed to investigate some kind of disturbance, though that was never really given clearly to me. I decided it was best to go to the palace for answers. To my surprise, the gates were open and nothing looked unusual as I walked up the massive stairway to the big double doors. Two guards stood there and simply instructed me to make a left turn instead, claiming that the Sultan had another throne at the back overlooking another escarpment and that was where he was currently residing.

I followed the path silently around the palace exterior and came to an open space with a massive arch above with red pillars and a huge golden throne with a cobra’s head. There Jafar sat, eyeing a bunch of dancing girls performing before him, but he was clearly unimpressed. As soon as he saw me, he gestured them to leave at once. Either my presence triggered a desire to see what I could do to entertain him, or coincidentally he grew bored of those girls.

What do you want?

He demanded, and I just said, that I was trained to investigate otherworldly threats and something had been reported here. I held my tongue as to why he was Sultan and everything looked so normal. Like in the movie, when he uses his first wish to become Sultan, he remodels the whole palace, having it placed on top of a hill and everything.

Once I told him the reason for my presence, he stared me down while clutching his sceptre and asked me to come closer. I did and stood just at the dais from the throne. At first I thought he was going to say closer than that so I kept myself still just in case, he didn’t seem trustworthy.

I think I might know something, pretty one, but I won’t tell you right away. First, you must amuse me, then I shall see if you truly are meant to quell what you think is here. Go on,”

Damn, the way he said that last sentence sounded just like in the movie when Jasmine was trying to distract him long enough for Aladdin to reclaim the lamp. Then I did the unthinkable and revealed my true form in front of him and then the music started. It was “Hideaway Paradise”, the last time I sang this in my dreams was when I fought Vhagar. Then before I knew it I had gestured the other girls who were leaving to come and join me. Then, I was singing the song again, dancing all over the outdoor throne room on the floor and in the air. I was even swinging on the pillars like I was doing airborne pole-dancing with my wings keeping me above the ground, all in front of Jafar.

I had a whole routine planned while the girls were my backup dancers, everytime I danced and sang the song’s chorus, I would soar into the air and then dance on the nearest pillar before returning to the floor.

When we finished, Jafar stared at me once again grinning with a chuckle. I didn’t like that look in his eyes but it was evident he was going to tell me everything now. Then I woke up. I really wish the dream continued, even if I found out that he had been lying to me and was in cahoots with one of my OC’s enemies. I would have been pleased no matter what direction it went from there.

Why do I say that? Well I didn’t have a very good morning and I’m trying to get back on my feet after it, it’s my day off and I didn’t want to spend it dealing with disappointment. I’d much rather dance for Jafar again than deal with today’s failure. If I wasn’t working tomorrow then I would totally watch Aladdin tonight, as this dream and the DLC have definitely fueled my desire to do so lately.

What a strange dream indeed.


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