
Princess Mia – Ancestry Secrets

This book was also hard to read in the beginning because it started off really rough and repetitive with Mia’s depression over the fact that she’s lost Michael, the love of her life, but J.P. tries to comfort her by first taking her to see her favourite Broadway musical.

It’s kind of like in the Peach Girl manga where Momo is struggling to get over Toji and Kiley offers to help (his name is Kairi in the anime). Anyway, it was a rough start but it still had some intriguing parts.

Mia spends four days in bed grieving over Michael to a point where she doesn’t even change out of her PJs until her father enrolls her in therapy with a pyschologist. Her grandmother on the other hand wants her to give a speech at a women’s club that she’s dying to get into. Mia’s not exactly thrilled about what she has to talk about though.

To make matters worse, Lilly still isn’t speaking to Mia and there’s a hate website about her updated frequently. Take a guess who runs it. But what really surprised me was that Lana came up to Mia and offered to put their past aside and become friends. Lana’s mother is involved in this special club and I never expected Lana herself to always be jealous of Mia. I suspected she was just using her, but the more I read, the more genuine her words and actions seemed. I soon found out some interesting details about Lana. It reminds me how the second movie opens up with Lana seen hugging her friends and it looked like Mia was one of them even though the latter’s face was not seen until back in Genovia.

The only distraction for Mia was when she found an old diary about one of her ancestors and learned of the latter’s attempt to make Genovia more democratic and failed. Mia decides to use this to leave a real impression when she gives her speech even if it infuriates her father and grandmother. Well it’s certainly better than talking about sewage am I right?

Only one more book to go! This was definitely a slow read but it was a decent one.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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