
Forever Princess – A Writer in her Prime

This is it, I've made it to the conclusion of this series at long last. If I had committed to reading it sooner back in high school, then I would have known everything from it by heart now from rereading! There were a lot of surprises but there were also plenty of things that I… Continue reading Forever Princess – A Writer in her Prime


My Steam Replay of 2023

It's time, pyjaks, time to see what I've been up to with gaming in summary via PC. I was not surprised with the results because I did not play too many new games this year compared to last. In summary, I didn't play as many games this year, but I did have a lot of… Continue reading My Steam Replay of 2023


Nintendo Switch Year in a Review 2023

I didn't play a lot of Switch games this year, but I did have a few episodes at certain times where I felt like picking them up and grinding a little, so hey, it's something. Now it seems every company is jumping the bandwagon for summarizing what you play, read, listen to, etc. now it's… Continue reading Nintendo Switch Year in a Review 2023


Are You Not Entertained Sorcerer?

I swear, I love it when I sing in my dreams, no matter what I am doing. There was even a dream where I was singing this original song and what sucked is I could not recall the lyrics in reality for me to write it down, or the melody. In this dream, it's like… Continue reading Are You Not Entertained Sorcerer?


Princess Mia – Ancestry Secrets

This book was also hard to read in the beginning because it started off really rough and repetitive with Mia's depression over the fact that she's lost Michael, the love of her life, but J.P. tries to comfort her by first taking her to see her favourite Broadway musical. It's kind of like in the… Continue reading Princess Mia – Ancestry Secrets


Lost Ember – Tale of Betrayal

I have been playing a lot of games featuring animals lately. What can I say? Who doesn't want to explore a different perspective? That is exactly what this game is about. In Lost Ember, a wolf and a wandering spirit live in a world devoid of humanity where nature has reclaimed the Earth. The two… Continue reading Lost Ember – Tale of Betrayal