
Princess in Training – I Wanna Be Elected

I’m your top prime cut of meat, I’m your choice,
I wanna be elected,
I’m your yankee doodle dandy in a gold Rolls Royce,
I wanna be elected,
Kids want a savior, don’t need a fake,
I wanna be elected,
We’re all gonna rock to the rules that I make,
I wanna be elected,

I can’t help myself there! This book series is really addictive so it’s time for me to talk about the next one.

Mia is now a sophomore and she experience several surprises when she returns to school. Unfortunately, she still had to spend a significant amount of her summer in Genovia but that is never covered in detail.

She also has a new baby brother, Rocky, whom she seems to take care of better than her mother and stepfather appear to do, like she loves him as much as her cat, Fat Louie.

She’s eager to be in her English class upon hearing great things about her new teacher, but then quickly discovers that as nice as that teacher is, she’s finicky and a harsh grader.

To make matters worse, her friend Lilly begins campaigning to get Mia to win the election for student council president against her nemesis, Lana. This part reminded me of a Proud Family episode where Penny runs for student president but is losing ground to Wizard Jr. who seems to be winning people over faster only because his dad is a billionaire. However her efforts to beat him are in vain because it is Myron who gets elected instead.

Well, this is exactly what Mia goes through because Lana is much more popular than her and Lilly is only trying to get her friend elected so that she can take over later since she knows that no one will vote for her, but they will vote for Mia. From this, we finally got a glimpse of Lilly’s vulnerable side and she even begins to list the help of Clarisse to help Mia get more votes.

Meanwhile, Mia’s anxiety takes another turn when Lana tells her that because she’s now dating a college guy, he’ll expect her to have sex with him eventually. Mia is worried that she isn’t ready for that intimacy and that Michael will dump her for it.

I also saw a new character introduced, Perin. I’m guessing she is either a transgender girl or is cis but dresses like tomboy and gets mistaken for a dude, been there done that sadly.

I hate to spoil this part but the absolute best part of this book was when Mia gave her speech at the debate. She was normally afraid of public speaking and worried she might puke instead, but somehow she delivered a passionate speech freely and logically, mentioning how if we all live on the same planet why are we closing ourselves off into cliques. She also mentions the importance, when it comes to writing, that it’s okay to have an escape from all the shit that happens in the real world. I couldn’t agree more.

Now, I’ll just have to read the next book to find out if she keeps her position since, as you might expect, she got elected after all and reaches an agreement with Michael on the whole sex talk. They’re not going to do it yet, but someday!

Solid book, and up next is actually the very first book I read in this series.

Rating: 4 out of 5.


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