
Steam Wishlist Highlights

I’ve wishlisted a lot of games lately, especially thanks to Gamescom this year. but I want to talk about two games I didn’t realize existed or were coming soon that blew my mind in a heartbeat.

Right now there are two that stand out the most that I can’t wait to get my hands on. Well actually, I meant to publish this sooner but due to work commitments I delayed and decided to reward myself once I recovered from post-night shift with one of the games that is:

Pac-Man World Re-Pac

Whoa, I had no idea this game existed until now! After I bought Little Nightmares II on sale a few weeks ago, I stumbled onto the publisher page and saw this remaster. It’s already a year old, how did I not know about it earlier?!

My brother and I had the original PS1 game but we never beat it. My brother beat two of the bosses but never made it further. I intend to change that with this remaster.

It looks very well polished and I have always love the soundtrack from the outer space levels the most.

Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition

YAY!! It’s coming! I knew it would be someday. I thought I was going to have to wait another year, especially after the DLC was out earlier this year but it appears Guerilla has been doing a lot behind the scenes.

I woke up after one of my night shifts to receive the news from a friend that this port was official. I looked it up just in case to confirm its legitimacy and it is! System requirements haven’t been revealed yet but this is why I upgraded in the first place, I really hope it works out for me because I would love to continue Aloy’s journey. Nothing gives me more adrenaline than fighting machines!

So at the time of publishing this, I ended up treating myself with the Pac-Man remake and have already defeated the first three bosses. HFW on the other hand I will have to wait until next year for its release, but to be on the safe side as usual, I don’t purchase games immediately upon release in order to save money and for any performance issues to be fixed. From the looks of it, 2024 is going to be a great year for gamers like me!


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2 thoughts on “Steam Wishlist Highlights”

  1. I played the original Pacman World too! For a game I never think about, it’s crazy how many memories I actually have of it haha! I remember the little hub world and snowy levels and the Zipline parts. I didn’t know they did a remastered update. Pretty cool 🙂

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