
Princess in Love – Snowflakes and Roses

Okay, so this is one of the books in this series that I actually read a long time ago. I had a mass-market paperback and didn’t know what led up to the events of the story as well, but now that I’m reading this whole series, I have a better sense of what’s happening.

Mia is now going out with her biology partner Kenny after she discovered he was sending her anonymous love letters. She admits that she likes him and that he’s a nice guy but she does not love him. Mia is very outspoken and brutally honest when she writes but she’s not as assertive outside of that and she didn’t want to hurt Kenny’s feelings but soon she realizes she has to break up with him.

But this is something that she delays because she doesn’t want to go without a date to the upcoming holiday school dance. With her friend Tina’s help, she starts sending love letters to the boy she really loves, Michael, her best friend’s brother, who appears to be going out with someone in his Computer Club who can clone fruit flies…… yes… FRUIT FLIES.

At the same time, Mia has some other misfortunes such as studying excessively for Algebra and her impending first trip to Genovia where she will be introduced to the people she will one day reign over. I’m not surprised Mia isn’t looking forward to it since there doesn’t seem to be anything fun scheduled while she’s there!

As usual, her BFF Lilly is always looking for some sort of injustice to fight against, and this time she tries to schedule a student strike after her English Teacher fails her on her term paper.

Then her grandmother brings in a designer Sebastiano to try on a bunch of dresses she will wear during her time in Genovia. Disaster strikes when Mia loses her temper in class and destroys Lana’s cellphone and while she is suspended, Sebastiano sends the photos of Mia in all those dresses to magazines and now everyone can see it, forcing Mia to once again deal with the prices of fame.

You know what I always loved about these books? All of the lists Mia makes about things in general like the ten things she wrote about what she hates about the holiday season in New York. I’ve never been to NY but I will agree with the part on the weather and the mistletoe, the latter is why I never went to any Christmas parties in high school. I went to a few from family friends but that’s it. The last thing I wanted if I was at a different one that wasn’t family-hosted was to suddenly be caught off guard under the mistletoe and then be forced to kiss someone I don’t like or even know. I want to save my lips for the man who deserves them most.

Also, I like the part where she provides care instructions for Fat Louie as she’s not allowed to take her own cat with her when she goes to Genovia? That’s not fair. (I also think it seems unfair that she cannot go to this dance without a date, as in today’s world, many people go to school dances with just their friends and dance together) That part I really like too. The one list I didn’t like was where Lilly wrote about her top best movies but they were all romances. Okay well, actually there were quite a few on there that I liked too but still, where’s the variety?

Anyway, Mia soon takes matters into her own hands regarding the ads of her in all those dresses and even wears one of them to the dance when she gets a pep talk from her grandmother to stop running from her problems, you have to face them, just like Maria always said in The Sound of Music! She’s got her own happily ever after she wanted. That doesn’t mean the story is over though, but the ending did remind me of how the first movie ended when Mia and Michael kiss. I still don’t understand the fascination with French-ing though!

Good book, I loved this one, it’s one of the best so far.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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