
Machines Built in Shadow

It’s not often that I’m very specific on games I’m excited for, unless I’m like REALLY excited. I tend to be quiet until it becomes more real, even if there is no exact release date yet. Now is a very good time to break the silence.

For two years, I have been following a developer on Steam called Team Kanohi. Ever since Lego discontinued Bionicle, brought it back briefly, and stopped again, the fandom is still thriving and keeping it alive.

Team Kanohi is working on a game called Bionicle: Masks of Power. I put it on my wishlist in a heartbeat when I discovered it. Considering the fact that it was a small company run by fans, I knew I was going to be waiting a while but I wanted it to all be worth it because I never got a chance to play the original Bionicle video game when I was a kid.

The first footage I saw from images made it seem like it was still in progress but as time went by and the project became more real, my excitement intensified. Last year, if I remember correctly, we got a first look at the gameplay and the graphics looked much more modern for an indie title showing us Lewa exploring Mata Nui’s South region, the jungles of Le-Wahi. At one point he began to battle a hostile Rahi with his axe. There was even a time he went on all fours while running.

Some other footage I saw was of him talking to a Matoran nearby, and it was all in those text bubbles. I can imagine it costs more money and time to get actual actors to voice the characters so this was probably easier for Team Kanohi.

Then a few times I forgot about waiting for this game because updates weren’t frequent. But then I recently learned that the remnants of the Bionicle fandom have decided to create and annual event on August 10th called 810nicle Day or Bionicle Day to celebrate all things in the franchise to keep it alive. I did not know this existed until I opened the Steam app toward the end of my last shift before getting three days off and saw that Team Kanohi had a new trailer for the game.

I could barely watch it without fangirling hysterically, the new footage looked incredible in the cinematic cutscenes of each Toa and then the gameplay that followed. I was able to glimpse the latter primarily on Lewa but I did see a few snippets of Onua’s gameplay in progress as well. Team Kanohi has said that early next year, a demo will be available to download on Steam and we’ll be able to play as Lewa. I am beyond excited for this now.

I have also learned more about this game that it works like an RPG, it’s open-world and we can switch between Toa at any time at designated meditation stones. I can’t wait to see more footage of gameplay of the other Toa, or I will just have to wait until the game is fully out and be surprised but it looks fantastic and I want the devs to take their time with this one to ensure it works great. I don’t think the system requirements will be too demanding for me, especially since I just upgraded so I’m all set to anticipate this game’s arrival!

Vorahk looks like he was shredding guitar with his staff at one point!

I also like how for this year’s 810nicle celebration, a video was uploaded with a mixture of clips from Mask of Light to celebrate its 20th anniversary (one of my favourite movies in the world), as well as clips from the commercials of the game and action figures. It featured a new narration from Christopher Gaze, the voice of Turaga Vakama. Not sure how those behind this event were able to get in touch with him but somehow they were and it shows that he enjoyed his role as Vakama, and is delighted to see the fanbase is still alive.

In this tribute and in the new trailer for Masks of Power, is a song by indie artist Essenger and the band Cryoshell and the song is awesome, it’s been in my head for a week now! I will talk more about it at the end of this month. I remember Cryoshell has done music for the franchise before, such as their song Creeping in my Soul was in the 2007 Barraki commercials. I don’t know much about that era since I stopped following closely after Legends of Metru Nui, and I just focus on the first generation which is my favourite with the Toa Mata/Nuva, Bohrok/Kal, and the Rahkshi. I will admit I do like the Vahki as well from the second era though. Once I’m ready to open my mind a little more to the rest of it, then I will.

Anyway, it makes me so happy that there are people out there keeping the franchise alive after Lego abandoned it twice. I can’t wait to play this game, I don’t care how long it is, I just can’t wait to play it! Team Kanohi, if you are reading this, I have been a fan since I was a little girl and I never had a chance to play a Bionicle video game when I was younger so I’m beyond excited for this game. Please, take your time to make it right.

Aside from Silksong, this is the other most anticipated game on my wishlist that I’ve been waiting years for.


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5 thoughts on “Machines Built in Shadow”

  1. Talk about a blast from the past. I haven’t heard, or thought about Bionicles in…like 20 years. I think I’d have lost my mind if I saw this back when I was 8 or 9. Heck, even now I get a bit of a nostalgic feeling seeing that trailer.

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