
Princess in the Spotlight – The Secret Admirer

I had this draft on hold for so long in my list of drafts and now I can finally publish it as I finished the book it focuses on. Go me. Things are starting to dramatic in this series and now I see how things tie to the volumes that I did read when I was much younger.

The last book basically seemed to end on a cliffhanger where Mia then realized that she likes Michael, her best friend’s older brother. But before she can act, several things happen at once: her mother who’s been dating her Algebra teacher since the last book, is now pregnant with his child. Mia takes this very seriously in order for her mother to stay healthy. In order to make things more official she and Mr. G decide to marry as well but keep it simple and sweet.

Then Mia starts receiving anonymous love letters and she can’t quite figure out who it is. She begins to suspect it’s Michael but once again she is derailed when she has to make her first television appearance as the new heir to the Genovian throne. As much as she didn’t want to be on TV, she wasn’t able to let an infection stop her in time from it occurring.

Now, as I read this book, I already had a pretty good idea who her secret admirer was because I read the third book many years ago but didn’t know what led to it. Now I know from reading this one.

One part that I found absolutely vexing to read was when Mia’s maternal grandparents come into town for her mother’s wedding, (Clarisse insists on having a huge wedding and invited a bunch of celebrities and other monarchs to attend, not sure why the fuck Donald Trump was there) and they all had lunch at was like some kind of steakhouse and Mia launches into a rant about how bad meat is for you, etc. since she’s still a vegetarian and what’s even worse is that she chooses to do it not for dietary reasons or to lose weight, but to be one of those radicals like she’s backing PETA or something *barf*.

I could rant on and on about how everything in life requires sacrifice, there’s no evidence they increase your risk of cancer, I enjoy filet mignon, etc. but I think that’s far enough.

I was happy to learn that Mia’s mom and her new husband eloped, and for the first time, I could see Mia, her father, and her grandmother all get-together. But I couldn’t stop reading even beyond that to finally learn who her secret admirer was on Halloween, not the man of her dreams, but none other than her biology partner: Kenny, who did not appear in this book until then. Mia was whining so much about how badly she wanted a boyfriend, well be careful what you wish for.

I’m not sure why she spontaneously accepted his offer for a date? Is that what a princess does? Instead of being honest? Then I found out she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Reflecting on what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, that is. Well, no matter, I’ll have to wait to read the third book to know for sure, yeah I read it years ago, but most of it I don’t remember at this point so stay tuned for that.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


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