
Cupboards & Drawers – Every Nook and Cranny

I’m back to tidying up all the little things that should be neatly organized! I took a short break from playing this game after encountering some issues with my save data so I when I returned, I had a grind a bit to get back to where I left off.

Then the devs announced that there would be a new DLC where we will be tidying more things, opening the cupboards and drawers to find out where everything goes. I was so excited about how incredibly cute it was!

As I write this, I have finished all of the DLC’s content and there lots of lovely levels to complete. Some of them were harder than others, and as always, there are achievements that aren’t described but are hidden tasks within certain tidies. Some of them took a while for me to figure out, especially the one where I had to put all the food on the trays.

I just love the teapot and cupcakes! I also remember the jewelry box level was tricky as some compartments could not be opened until I put away a certain set of items like the rings. I’m not sure if this was a bug or if that’s just the way the level was meant to be designed. Either way, I remember the one with a box of sewing tools took some time, but I already knew where the pincushion went because of what I saw in the trailer!

I didn’t expect one of the puzzles in the final level to be a bunch of cars I had to park so that both of the same colour were aligned so that was an interesting add.

The cat also makes a return but doesn’t try to mess up my work this time, I’d rather pet him than try to keep him away as I try to organize my seashell collection or wipe the dirty paw prints off the floor!

So yeah, it’s a fun little DLC and I loved the idea of having to open different cupboards and drawers to organize all the items. The only levels I didn’t like were the ones involving hanging tools on the wall, but oh well, it was still a great DLC.

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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