Music and Bands

Uprising Dust and Misery on a Rocket Man – Music of June 2023

Hello summer and praise the Sun! Haters please exit and don’t come back until autumn, I won’t warn you again!

2023 feels like a rollercoaster so far this year as first it went up with the adoption of two new cats, purchasing first car which I proudly named after one of Motorhead’s underrated albums, and then come spring I started dealing with some aches and pains. Turning 30 last month also amplified things as some of this in my body is starting to show after years of neglect or monitoring, so I’m spending a lot more time trying to keep my stress low and listen to my body.

We spend so much time in front of a computer, be it for work, or for leisure and I’m sure I’m not the only one if I were to share right now that I have trigger points in my shoulders that sometimes can be felt in my neck. But physio helps with the pain and to keep my stress down, I’ve started meditating daily and have taken up a little yoga on any days I have off.

I won’t forget about my content here, Wattpad, and my video games, I just need to listen to my body right now until things get better. Scratch that, even when things are better, I’m still going to do what I can to keep pain to a minimum!

Anyway, here are the songs for this month. I’m mixing things up this time with some familiar tunes and hidden gems.

Muse – Uprising

Remember this one? I can’t believe Metal Hellsinger is adding this song to their DLC, it’s definitely unexpected. It’s a catchy song with a weird music video. Not the type of band I would listen to on a regular basis but this is still a good song. Also, what’s with those evil teddy bears? How about no? I suppose this is one of those songs where I like the song but not the music video.

I still remember that German a capella group from the second Pitch Perfect did this song to show that they meant business, but no matter how insane they are, you can’t beat something original.

Mick Gordon – Rust, Dust, and Guts

Did I ever tell you how much I enjoy listening to this OST while driving? It goes really well with it, and this is one of the first to play in the game over a few levels, but it hits its peak just before we ascend the tower.

It’s quite underrated compared to the other tracks Mick has created as it starts off slow and eventually becomes more powerful and louder as the score continues. Another great thing to slay demons to, can’t complain one bit.

Paramore – Misery Business

I’ve always loved Paramore and I don’t know why I don’t listen to them much. I love how in the music video, Hayley eventually gets revenge on the girl who was bullying everyone, though pushing that girl out of the way of her crush so she could kiss him instead was too far. Now everyone knows your boobs are fake!

I must try this song in Metal Hellsinger as it comes with the Essential Hits DLC pack. How did I not know this song existed before? It’s great.

Def Leppard – Rocket

An absolute classic. I don’t know if I have featured this already in a post like this, but I loved it live so much when I saw them with KISS in August 2014. It’s another great upbeat song to drive to and one that you raise your arms into the air if its at a concert as well. I also have a live version of the track that sounds awesome too.

This is still one of my top favourite songs from Def Leppard and if anyone is looking to get into them, I highly recommend you start with this one.

Motörhead- Runaround Man

An underrated track from an underrated album. This is the album that I named my car after and I listened to it in the middle of one of my night shifts last month when I was bored and couldn’t lie down.

It’s fast and I can imagine myself listening to this on the highway, I should definitely get this album next and Lemmy always said in his autobiography how he seems disappointed that a lot of people don’t seem to know about the band’s later albums. People pay a lot of attention to the old classics, which are great, but Motörhead always was a strong band that always delivered jams with balls and did so all the way to the end. This is an awesome fast song with a heavy sound that is amazing from start to finish.

And that’s it for June. Hopefully things start to turn around as I venture into the summer. The only thing I can do is just keep my head up, keep doing the exercises, pay attention to my body’s needs, and anything that I do desire to do on my computer, it’ll be done when it gets done, no matter how long it takes, it’s not going anywhere. If I have to take a break, readers are just going to have to be patient because I am not a machine.


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