
Meridian in Starlight

Avad is such a romantic and more and more in my dreams foreshadow the final battle to come.

I had a series of dreams the other night and some of them were linked and others not so much.

The first I remember was a scene from The Mummy Returns. I was in my house alone and discovered a ritual was being conducted in the basement to raise those mummy soldiers and attack the neighbourhood. I loaded everyone into the nearest vehicle and we drove down the street I suggested we take the highway and try to lose them there.

It wasn’t me driving though and no matter how fast we went on the winter night, I could still see dozens of them running and jumping on and over other cars. Eventually, traffic became congested and I ran through the crowds toward the light then I was falling through a vortex and then I was in Meridian sitting with Avad as his queen.

Night had fallen and we had finished with our subjects for the day. He suggested he attend the annual festival in Meridian.

In the market square, people were dancing and beating on the drums. Avad and I approached holding hands and with several guards around us.

There was music, open markets and lots of food but as soon as we approached, everyone stopped suddenly as if they were expected to bow. A nearby Sun Priest was the only one who did. Avad told them to carry on and the music resumed.

I want to imagine what I’m wearing as the Sun-Queen, something like a long red and white silk skirt and low-cut sleeveless top made of both silk and machine parts. My headpiece is like a small crown with a white veil that I would always wear behind me and not in front.

As Avad and I walked through the festivities, I commented on how far the city has come with the new laws ratified within the tribe. More women in the Hunter’s Lodge from different tribes and no more slavery. Avad then said we did it together and more change was coming. He said next he wanted to outlaw the patriarchy in the Temple of the Sun next so we could have female Sun Priests as well. I told him to hush and not talk about politics while we were enjoying the festivities and then I pulled him onto the dance floor with the other citizens.

We danced for hours it seemed through slow and fast songs, he would twirl and lift me during the latter and hold me closer during the former. I never wanted it to end. But when the crowds started to disperse later into the night, we were not tired yet so, we went for a walk in the lower gardens. The guards gave us some privacy but still stayed within a reasonable distance should there be any threat. As we walked, I gazed at the stars and told Avad that this was a fantastic night we should do these things more often.

He turned to look at me saying he knew what could make this night even better. Before I could ask him what that was, he kissed me and I poured my heart out into him as we shared that kiss under the stars. No matter how much time we spent at our duties ruling Meridian, we were still happily in love and never forgot to show each other it, even with just one kiss.

These dreams are giving me so many ideas right now, and it’s too bad I can’t find a nice lovely picture of Meridian at nighttime to go with this article. Oh well, I’ve got my imagination to give me that!

I could have sworn in the dream itself, when Avad and I kissed, I was seeing it from a third person perspective as if I was watching myself kiss him and there were golden rings floating around us! But that’s not as romantic as a starry night now is it?

Pretty abrupt shift from running away from undead soldiers to spending time with my Sun-King and the citizens of Meridian but that’s the way dreams go sometimes.


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