
The Duke’s Desire – Revolution Aftermath Match

Now it’s Lucien le Duc’s turn to meet his perfect match and who could be a more suitable candidate than Marguerite “Meg” Church? That’s what happens in the next volume of this series.

Lucien is still eager to reclaim his property in France, with or without his siblings. I’ve always seen him as the most grumpy out of the three as he keeps to himself, speaks only French, and has zero interest in the English women no matter how dashing they find him. He just spends his time toiling away in the smithy that he and his brother sold to the Harpers.

Until Meg enters his life. Meg is the type of girl who wants to stay single but still loves to ogle at Lucien whenever he walks by. She lives with her cousins and enjoys being a helping hand to anyone in the village, including her best friend Eve. But she often feels like she’s being put aside by others and her position somewhere is only temporary, especially when she finds out the cousin she’s living with, is expecting.

Lucien eventually agrees to start learning English for his new niece and nephew and reluctantly enlists Meg’s help after he rejected her advances. Surprise, surprise, he starts to fall for her once he realizes that she has some French background as well, and they frequently switch languages when speaking.

Meg isn’t ready to commit at first, not just out of fear of what it will take from her spinster life, but also her own family’s involvement in the revolution that forced them all from their home.

I want to say this story didn’t really grab me as much as the last one, but it was still funny to a certain degree to watch Lucien fumble a little until he begins to fall in love with Meg, and yes he did get his precious vineyard he coveted for so long. So yeah, good story, not as engaging as Bastien and Eve’s story, but still pretty solid. It felt a little short, not gonna lie, but I still have four dukes to go so there are plenty of more feel-good love stories to come.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


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