
Fugitive Monarchs of the Sun

This is one of the strangest dreams I’ve ever had recently and I didn’t want to write about it right away after it occurred so I could think it through.

It’s strange because the first thing I remember was it started in a room that reminded me of my workplace and I was with Avad, we were married so that made me the first Sun-Queen of Meridian and it was like we were exploring ruins of the Old Ones.

Funny because I don’t think Avad would have any interest in doing this but in this dream, he did. We went in deeper holding hands and we didn’t have Focuses but it was just an adventure for us. But then there was a warning, something that made us turn and run, a bright red light and a deep and terrifying voice. I can only make it out as HADES like when I first heard it from disabiling the network in the game.

The next thing I knew was Avad swept me into my arms and said we needed to run, somewhere far away and safe from something dangerous, though he would not say. Then we were flying off the escarpment toward the ruined city, not flying with wings or a overidden Stormbird, just by ourselves until we landed on an old but still functional train that took us out of the city.

Avad held me close and said everything would be okay as we rode through the outskirts. The whole time I was alert as the train stopped briefly and we strolled through an abandoned park holding hands. It was a steamy hot day but we didn’t care as it was no different from Meridian.

After some more time went by, we had to get moving again. That’s all I remember but it was a very vivid dream nonetheless. Inhave had so many dreams about Avad that if I were to write about them all, this blog would be flooded with them.


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