Music and Bands

Rock n’ Roll – Dogs and Traitors vs. The Boogeyman

Another album review is coming right up! I’m on fire with these as I try to maintain a steady flow of content despite some things that have been ailing me recently. I really enjoyed this one too, so let’s go.

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Welcome to our intro which is exactly as I expected. This album feels like it’s all about the love for rock ‘n’ roll. Just what we need is, to begin with.

I love how this song’s lyrics perfectly describe Lemmy’s way of living, simple yet full of speed, party and music. That’s how it always has been for him and this is an excellent anthem of a song.

Eat the Rich

Damn, now this is one catchy track! I love everything about it so what else can I say? C’mon baby, eat the rich! Put the bite on the son of a bitch!

I love the message behind it, about standing up to those in power for those who are less fortunate, because the latter group is barely scraping by these days. Anyway, when I’m not thinking of that, this is a great tune to blast while driving which I look forward to doing.


Now that’s what I call bass! It’s what won me over when I heard this track more than once. It’s got a darker feel to it but it’s still got balls to be something to with a lot of jams present. Then it jumps into another epic solo where I just want to jump and headbang in the middle of the kitchen or whatever room I’m in when it’s playing!

Makes me think, fuck why am I writing these because everything I’ve heard from this band is pretty much perfect!

Stone Deaf In the USA

Into the longest track already? As fast as it goes, I wasn’t a huge fan of it. Not sure what it is because it is a pretty epic song overall, but maybe I just wasn’t feeling it. It does have a good solo, so that’s one praise I can give.

Or maybe, what made me not like it so much was the sudden end and the narration at the last minute and a half, just wasn’t for me I guess.

The Wolf

This is definitely a horror type of song but I always felt it doesn’t go with the band’s sound wholly, like its intro before it gets into the heart. That’s why I don’t really like it that much.

Oh well, someone else might like it better than me.


This one is pretty badass, in fact, it could be a theme for a certain trooper as that was the only funny thing about TFA. Anyway, it’s better than its predecessor and it also makes me think of Mass Effect given how many times my Shepard gets betrayed.

Pretty epic so I can’t complain about anything here.


If you were to ask me, Emily what’s your number one song on this album? Easy answer, it’s this one all the way. It’s not a fast song, but it’s got an amazing riff, beat, great lyrics and the solo makes me headbang hard, especially toward the end!

At one point the lyrics describe perfectly how politics have divided us greatly and have led us to turn against even some of the people we’re closest to and I fucking hate that. Lemmy and I both hate one thing and it’s politics! So yeah, this song is flawless I will crank it up every time I hear it and everywhere, in my car, on my computer and speakers, you name it!

All for You

Pretty catchy, but it still needs to grow on me, especially after how powerful the song before it was. It isn’t terrible though unlike the other two that were a miss for me.

It’s a lot softer compared to some of the other songs but maybe it’s just me. It almost sounds like a love song but I’ve heard better.


Last but not least, one of my friends told me this was also another good one, I believe Lemmy also mentioned he liked this one too in his book and he’s not wrong. I was wondering where that bass intro came from because I’ve seen Lemmy play it in a video demonstrating how his playing differs from others.

It’s a great song with a horror theme but it works better than “The Wolf” in my opinion. It makes me want to dance and you know that means I love it if I say that!

My final verdict, a solid album, it’s Motörhead, so you know I’m going to be positive and generous even if I don’t love every song because they have always maintained their signature sound but still manage to keep things fresh and exciting without changing too much as Loudwire once wrote.

My favourite songs are:

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Eat the Rich





I actually wrote this in one sitting, well almost, had to get up a few times to stretch and pee, but would it still count as one sitting right?

Rating: 5 out of 5.


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