
Tower Pursuit, Cornered on the Roof

I don’t have a lot of Star Wars things to write about anymore as I’ve gone from being all in for everything, to a purist that only focuses on episodes 1 – 6, the Clone Wars and the EU.

Until now, I had a dream, and it’s been a long time since I became my SW OC. I was investigating a large peculiar skyscraper on a city planet. Not Couruscant but some other I couldn’t get the name of. There was rumored to be CIS activity, and they were going to use the building to turn it into a big superweapon.

I decided to go undercover without any forces to cover me. The building looked like it was thirty stories high and seemed to be teeming with business and leisure from both humans and aliens alike. Even on the fifteenth floor there was a grest swing ride in the center of the huge plaza with great windows opening the place into huge glass dome.

It didn’t seem like there was any activity so I decided to take a break and ride the swing ride. As fun as it was, that’s when I began to see the danger hidden among the crowds. General Grievous was walking alongside of two Magnaguards almost blending in. His guards could easily disguise themselves but Grievous himself would have a much harder time!

As soon as I saw him, I released the straps and leapt off the ride effortlessly because you know, my Jedi self has a lot of acrobatic skill and agility. It didn’t take long for Grievous to notice me. Whatever he was up to, I had to isolate him away from all these innocent lives before he caused any damage which would cost the lives of many. I started to run without looking back let me say this. The one thing I hate about certain dreams where I am in an open space and start to go in deeper until it gets tighter and am looking for a way out, especially those when I’m flying and suddenly I get trapped and can’t get out, no matter how many doors I open, one is always behind the next.

But this one was different. I couldn’t hear Grievous scuttling like a spider behind me, I just kept pushing and running through the crowds and the halls became narrower until I was barely squeezing through them until I reached an elevator. I quickly hit the top floor and the close button just as I heard noises behind me. The elevator stopped and I realized that soon he’d be at the same floor I was at just waiting for it to come back down. Acting fast, I saw the corpse on the floor and grabbed a key around his neck to unlock the button to take me to the roof. I stepped out onto the roof but not before pressing every button on the elevator to delay Grievous further.

I stood on the middle of the roof clutching my lightsaber in one hand and my comm in the other hoping to contact someone that I was luring Grievous to the roof. A few minutes passed and the elevator returned and there he was, laughing that I couldn’t run anymore. I ignited my lightsaber simply stating that it wasn’t running but to ensure he wouldn’t kill anyone innocent no matter what his plans were.

We clashed on the roof, an intense battle for sure, I’ve fought Grievous so many times in my dreams and daydreams that they’re all pretty much the same but still memorable to write about. Hell, I still remember the first one I had.

Why can’t I have these dreams more often? Given how most of the dreams I have seem to result in being trapped, I want ones where I am free or doing something I enjoy, like this.


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