Music and Bands

Shivers Golden and Clean Wide for Peaches Music of May 2023

That’s a wrap on May, my birth month, and on the 7th, that’s right, I turned the big 3-0. To some people hitting 30 is a milestone. But for me it’s just a number. I’m still the same person with the same passions, dreams, goals, etc. To hell with anyone that says by the age of 30, you should “grow up” and “give up” certain things in your life. Fuck that. Remember, I do what makes me happy, no matter what it is. To me, what matters more about growing up is it shouldn’t matter what you enjoy, what you wear, who you love (including fictional characters!). What really matters is can I take care of myself? Do I have a steady job? Am I responsible? The answer is yes to all three. I have still much to learn, but that’s what is most important.

I always thought I would have my life together by 30, like moving out on my own and stuff. I recently bought my first car this year, so that’s another milestone, but the new normal is a place of my own will come in time and saving enough money, even if that doesn’t happen until later. Nowadays, lots of millennials in their 30s are still living at home! But as long as we help out, that’s what’s important.

Anyway, enough of that. For this month’s music, I picked a bunch of random things across different genres I enjoy to create like a summary of the music I like rather than just my favourite genre which you all know what that is.

Ed Sheeran – Shivers

I think this song is the happiest-sounding song that Ed has released. There’s just something about it that makes me want to dance.

I always saw it as a song about being in love with someone like no other. I have considered using it as a track for one of my fanfics. It’s just a nice song with an upbeat sound that I like. The music video is a bit weird but a lot of pop songs seem to have that lately.

Tina Turner – Goldeneye

The world has lost another legend this month. My mom texted me about the breaking news that Tina Turner passed away on the 24th of this month. It really caught me by surprise.

I did know that it seemed her time was coming since all was quiet about her in the media for a while in my mind. I am sure she died peacefully and I always had a lot of respect for her. She’s an amazing singer and she was able to pick herself up and build a successful solo career after divorcing Ike and leaving his band. She was better off on her own anyway.

As for the song, it’s beautiful and definitely my favourite by her. I’m not even a James Bond fan and I can’t bring myself to get into the franchise but I have always liked the music they choose for each movie and Tina sang this song for the movie of the same name. It’s a beautiful song with a mysterious vibe to it and fits the film’s theme well even if I am not into Bond.

Motorhead – Stay Clean

Well, since I just finished my review of Overkill, it seemed necessary to put this song in for May. As I said in my review, this is one I would sing if I was there during the tour following this album’s release. It’s a great song overall, and well, it’s Motorhead so there really isn’t anything else that I can say because this band was the most flawless to walk the Earth in all of humanity.

Katy Perry – Wide Awake

It’s too bad when I saw Katy live in 2017 she didn’t do this song because I would love to hear it live. It’s got a softer tone compared to her other upbeat tunes but I still love it.

The music video is pretty weird, but then again, all of her music videos are very authentic and visual. This one is like being inside a dream with multiple locations that change at random with each part of the labyrinth. The girl she meets is definitely a younger version of her and when Katy punches that “prince” it made me laugh.

I picture my own version of this as Miraak returning to Solstheim and his cultists uniting to take over. It was just a random thought but that’s how my brain runs!

Jack Black – Peaches

Peaches peaches peaches I loooove you!!! I should have put this one in last month but no matter, here it is. In April, I saw the new Super Mario Bros movie and here this song made me laugh but it’s so sweet. I’ve always loved Bowser and have always thought he’s not entirely evil, but he always makes me laugh.

So when I saw the movie, I was really optimistic that Jack Black was playing Bowser and guess what? He nailed it and practically stole the show! He did so with this song and just his performance in general. Jack really brought Bowser to life with his evil nature but as well as his charisma and humour. Adding this song was the final touch and I can tell that he enjoyed the role very much. This is such an adorable funny song that I’m still singing it at work quietly to this day.

That’s a wrap for May. I wish I wasn’t dealing with so much issues right now with my body, it’s just one thing after another. A bruised tendon here, a muscle knot there, and it makes me wonder will I ever get a break again? Or is it that my lack of physical activity is starting to take a toll and I should amplify it before it produces unwanted consequences that are worse than what I currently have?

I mean, I do exercise but it’s not like I run marathons or something. I do stretches everyday now, as well as exercises for my hands to keep them strong, I try to do dumbbell weights a few times a week, and take long walks as well. I don’t need to go to the gym or anything but I shouldn’t have to spend money on that or do extreme stuff to be free of pain and stiffness should I? Ah well, I guess I just need to be patient and keep doing those stretches!


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