
Hideaway City Battle

I’ve decided to catch up on my sleeping the past few weeks in order to reduce some physical stress symptoms that I’ve been having lately. The result of it was some pretty vivid dreams that I neglected to write about immediately because I did not have the motivation, no matter how much I liked the particular dream.

But for some of them, I was able to dig out from within my memories if there was something within the dream that contained anything I liked, be it a song, character, celebrity, etc.

In this dream, I was Dragon Master, being challenged by a monster. One thing I don’t always like about these dreams is that sometimes the monster is depicted as someone I know, and it’s even worse if it’s someone like a friend or family, so after the dream occurs, I take what I remember and mental retcon anything that I didn’t like and change it.

In the final version of this post, the monster was a much larger dragon, as big as Vhagar I’d say since I recently finished reading Fire & Blood. I stepped onto the top of a building in the city, letting my wings spread and saw the dragon across from me perched atop another skyscraper. As my OC, no dragons defy me, but for some reason, Vhagar didn’t feel like following commands from anyone.

Right when I took flight, music began to play and I was singing Delain’s Hideaway Paradise as I flew toward Vhagar and fought in the skies. I dodged her flames, and my own was enough to incinerate her only briefly, but she could easily shake them off since she was at least five times my size. Throughout it all, I did not stop singing as I flew through the tight spots between buildings in an attempt to lose her so I could make an ambush later.

There was something she did do that caught me off guard though. She was bigger, but I was faster, however, everyone has a weakness. By the time she attacked was when I finished the song and woke up. I really wanted to see what happened and did I really turn the tide of the battle or was it a time where I lost for a change? Every now and then, in the stories I’ve written in places offline, my OC doesn’t always win.

Not as vivid as some of my other dragon dreams, but I remember the battle went on for a while, though it felt more like a predator chasing prey to me!


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