Music and Bands

Darkness Bomber of Jayne 1916 Green – Music of April 2023

Why does April have to be a month of misfortunes for me? Last year it was my Instagram being hacked and this year I hurt my left thumb and began to experience episodes of sharp pain and inflammation.

I went to my physiotherapist who gave me treatment and exercises to help it feel better and it’s a slow process.

All the while my anxiety has been through the roof worrying how it’ll affect my ability to do my job and I’ve temporarily stopped playing any games that I use a controller for out of fear that it will cause a flareup.

That being said, physio has helped and as of this week, the fourth, I no longer have episodes of sharp pain, just inflammation, and my therapist is confident a few more weeks and I’ll feel even better.

As usual, music remains a therapy to take my mind off things if I have to take a break from gaming.

Ghost – Darkness at the Heart of My Love

I decided to finally commit to catching up with Ghost’s work and I have mixed feeling about their latest music. I really miss the darker sound they had in the first two albums and somewhat in the third as well. This song reminds me a lot of the older Ghost, that doom metal-like sound with a mixture of TF’s influences to create something like this.

Even if Ghost’s newer material never steals my heart, or does only with a few songs, I still enjoy listening to them from time to time.

Motörhead – Bomber

An underrated song on an underrated album. I fell in love with the riffs in this Motörhead song and the more of these I hear, the more I want to crank them up in my car! I should also try modding this into Metal Hellsinger once I get going on that game, oh and badass solo Eddie!

The solos in Motörhead songs are not super long but they are always epic as hell for one of the loudest bands I listen to. I like to imagine that Lemmy, Eddie, and Phil are rocking together again no matter where they are. I should get this album next because it’s rarely talked about and I remember Lemmy wrote in his autobiography about a big bomber prop that was used on the tour of this era. An epic song for sure.

Lordi – Dead Again Jayne

It’s high time I get back into Lordi, where the hell have I been? This catchy tune gives me exactly what I would expect from Lordi. Also, for once, the music video is better this time, like classic Lordi music videos where the focus is horror. I remember I refused to watch the music video from their Killection album because I learned there were people I knew in it and didn’t want to become too envious.

The song and video have such a spooky feel and the newest monster, Kone, is a great guitarist. We all had a hard time saying goodbye to Amen, but Kone has been welcomed with open arms. Note to self, get some more Lordi albums like, who is this person and what has she done with Emily? The Emily you know would NEVER fall behind when it comes to Lordi, but I guess I just needed a mental break, it’s time to return to my Monsterman and his monsters.

Sabaton – 1916

This has to be the most heartfelt music video that I have seen this month and the song is actually a Motörhead cover, as soon as I saw someone carrying a flag with Motörhead album of that name on it, I was like oh yeah this is definitely a cover. I will admit, I have not heard the original version but Sabaton’s cover makes it so powerful.

The song is about the battle of Somme, one of the deadliest battles in WWI of the French and British vs. the Germans.

I loved seeing Sabaton marching down the road with all the people behind them, and then when I saw Phil and Mikkey join them I got so excited. Sabaton’s current tour manager, Eddie Rocha (former tour manager of Motörhead) also appeared carrying a portrait of Lemmy. Overall, amazing cover and music video. Like I said, the best thing I’ve seen this month. Lemmy would have been proud.

Nightwish – All the Works of Nature Which Adorn the World: The Green

This started to play as I was driving home from an appointment a few weeks ago and it is still my favourite part of the second disc of this album. Sometimes it makes me want to cry over how beautiful it sounds.

It makes me think of an enchanted forest and how I could be there instead of where I am right now. If you’re looking for something to relieve anxiety from Nightwish, then this is definitely it. Tuomas, my love, you’ve done it again. I also picture dancing with you in that enchanted forest as I listen to this, I’m just a romantic aren’t I?

So at the time of finishing this post, I finally went to my doctor about this concern. My physiotherapist and I originally believed it to be tendonitis but before I thought of that, I thought it was a damaged nerve from hitting my hand on something. My doctor believes it’s also a bruised nerve and they can take time to heal, and it can hurt while they heal too.

Nonetheless, I’ve still taken a break from some games and other activities as well as taking it easy at my job until this heals. I am also going on vacation this week for my birthday next week so that should allow it to heal more.

Even after this heals, I will continue to do the exercises so I can keep my hands strong for my job and hobbies. So yeah, April’s been a month where I just needed to focus on my health and that’s perfectly okay, there should be no shame in it. On one positive note, I also saw the new Super Mario Bros movie and loved it so much I may consider writing about it.

Here’s hoping May is a better month for me.


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