Music and Bands

Hell’s Hearts Call Music Invictus – Music of March 2023

It’s been a pretty interesting month and I spent a lot of it taking Motörizer to the shop and back to fix little things that need some TLC.

Yes, I’m calling my first car Motörizer, which makes a great Autobot name, and Motörhead references are unbeatable. As soon as I get a day off and the weather is nice, I’m going to stick an Autobot decal on the back!

Other than that, it was a busy day at work due to inventory. Every year we have to count literally everything or whenever there is a change in the protocol but we get through it with pizza and teamwork so here’s this month’s music to take my mind off a busy shift.

KISS – Hell or Hallelujah

This feel-good song pumps me on and is great for relieving stress! Then again, every KISS song is like that. I’ve said it before, but KISS’s material from their last album is amazing. It’s just too bad that they rarely have played it live.

The first time I saw them live in 2013, they did play this song which had me dancing from start to finish. I can’t get enough of this one, when Paul sings, he wants to get everyone energized!

KISS has set a date for their final show in Madison Square, but they will be coming to Toronto one more time this fall. Will I be going? I’d love to! The week of the show, I am on night shifts, but the day of the show, I will be coming off a shift, but won’t be working the night of the show so I should be able to go. I’ll just have to go home, sleep as long as I can, and then get up and get ready. If I do go, I should get some proper makeup that lasts as I have done the Demon makeup every time I have seen them! Note to self, follow up with my friend on the tickets!

Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts

I’m not sure why I put this song in here, but hey, who cares, Christina has a beautiful voice on this lovely but sad song and pop artists these days whose songs are more meaningful rather than just being a dance tune, rarely gain any popularity.

Good God, in the music video it’s like the guy is a Dementor but sucking out hearts instead of souls! I love to sing this song from time to time, I even wrote my own version once, I just can’t remember what the lyrics were for it. I know the lyrics for this song obviously, but not the one I wrote! I am glad the song’s story mentions how she refuses to go back to a toxic relationship with a guy who betrayed not just her but several other girls. It’s got a powerful message for sure, as they say, it’s better to be with nobody than the wrong person.

Ghost – Call Me Little Sunshine

This song has been very well-received by metal critics. After a few listens, this one has recently grown on me. A title makes it sounds like it would be something all cheerful but you’re proven wrong once you hear it!

Ghost really knows how to handle the satanic image with Tobias’s musical influences combined. I am sick and tired of elitists saying they’re not metal. I think Tobias considers Ghost to be inspired by ABBA, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, etc. nothing too heavy. I just enjoy Ghost on my own and I don’t interact with the fandom. So I am always walking alone after the shit I went through.

I still consider Ghost to be a band even if Tobias stated that it’s mainly his project and everyone else is hired guns. This is a dark and catchy song that I would certainly sing along to it if I heard it live. Sadly, Ghost has grown so much in popularity that their ticket prices have skyrocketed in the past several years. I still remember first hearing this song when I was on night shift and my God how much have I missed from this band? Too much already and it’s been almost ten years since the drama and I said two months ago that I should buy one of their newer albums to truly put it behind me. I still have to do that!

Gerard Butler – Music of the Night

I finally have seen this musical, not the live stage performance but the 2004 film so close enough right? I think I’ve wanted to see it for a long time. I swear, Gerard’s voice as the Phantom is so seductive, it just shows how much in love he was with Christine, and obsessed. I picked this song because it shot an arrow in my heart at first listen.

After seeing this musical, I feel sorry for the Phantom despite his actions, like the other guy Raoul didn’t notice her until she became a star despite their history. But I rest my case, I can see why Christine would be better off with Raoul but I personally like dark and mysterious guys with voices like the Phantom so I would choose him in the heartbeat if it were me! Yeah he’s got some issues but then again, every character I love does.

Anyway, I loved the musical and this one of my favourite songs along with the titular track that Nightwish covered. My friend says he imagines Avad singing this to me on the balcony of his palace until he descends toward me, and kisses me during the final instrumental….. and I just swooned in the middle of writing again!

Delain – Invictus (feat. Marko Hietala and Paolo Ribaldini

This month, I reviewed Delain’s new album and absolutely loved it. I even shared it on Diana’s page and she liked it. Then someone on Mastodon reached out to me that I had inspired them to listen to the album after reading my review. Always a pleasure sir. I think this song might be a fan favourite as it features Marko. It makes me think of so many things like a warship that could be called the same name.

It also makes me think of the universe and many things from Horizon like a Thunderjaw, a bunch of Deathbringers rising from the ground, and even a Metal Devil itself as Aloy calls them. It also makes me foreshadow the attack to come in the game toward the end, when I get to that part, this song will be the first to play in my head.

It’s also a pretty progressive tune as well, and it grew on me pretty fast once I listened to it more than one time, so I can’t get enough of it now. I’m not sure which part of it I love the most, but it’s epic in every way.

So that’s it for now, I have a lot of articles coming up and I am trying to get them done to pave the way for my content on Horizon Zero Dawn since I am close to finishing the game. I will likely write my article on the Frozen Wilds DLC first but not publish it until the main review is up. I’ve been playing too many games at once!

I went out to buy some new shoes this week and started playing my own music in my car and it feels so good to finally have this power in my grasp!


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