Music and Bands

Two Impossible Bullets and Sweet Moth – Music of February 2023

It’s another month gone and the biggest highlight for me this month is I purchased my first car which I love. It feels good to be able to get around more easily as before I was just walking, taking the bus or getting a lift which is more time-consuming.

You can imagine a lot of money is going toward that car right now because many things need some TLC but it’s just right for me and I can’t wait to blast my tunes in it. No more being forced to listen to other people’s stuff that they won’t turn down or the people who drive by playing music too loud that I dislike.

Anyway, I picked my songs for this month and some were planned while the rest fill in the gaps so here we go.

Xandria – Two Worlds

Xandria’s new album has such an otherworldly feel, I will definitely share my full thoughts on it and this song has such a mysterious vibe to it. I think of space and so many undiscovered places out there that are waiting for us to find them.

I guess I’m just that type of person who believes there is life out there and I let my imagination run wild with it. Ambre is a great singer and it suits the album’s theme very well, although I was not expecting there to be backing harsh vocals too, that’s okay, I guess, as long as it’s not the main vocals of the song. I think this band is trying to be like Epica in this song, well any song on this album, given the duration of each of them. This is still a great song nonetheless and there is nothing wrong with taking inspiration from others.

Shontelle – Impossible

I’ve loved this song forever for its beautiful melody that the repetitive chorus I practically disregard. First it makes me think about Chaor standing victorious over all the tribes in Perim and now I am thinking of adding it to the first chapter of one of my future fanfics where one of the characters is feeling hopeless because he’s had his heart broken twice. Well, I will come and fix that for you, your Radiance.

I love to sing along to this song as well, Shontelle is criminally underrated when it comes to black female singers don’t you agree? I will never get enough of this song, no matter how many times I listen to it, it’s always giving me goosebumps.

Motörhead – Bullet In Your Brain

Can you believe it? New unreleased Motörhead songs are now out on an extended version of Bad Magic and this is the first track that was released. It sounds just like what I’d expect from the band when they were recording the album years ago. All I can say is it’s simply epic and I knew I wasn’t going to be disappointed.

Also, let me point out, I love seeing this behind-the-scenes footage of the band recording and writing the music is so wholesome. I will admit though that Lemmy in glasses as he writes the music I did not expect to see. We’re so used to seeing rockstars like they’re beings from another planet but when they put on something that makes them look normal, it’s so strange at first. Phil looks really chill in his fedora as he sits with his guitar and Mikkey is all casual too and it still goes with his signature hair. No matter what setting though, I’ll always be seeing Lemmy in his military style and that’s what I love about him.

Motörhead songs don’t need to be super long to be catchy and enjoyable, as long as they can put in a loud badass sound, then I’m happy.

Bulow – Sweet Little Lies

I was never a big fan of any of Bulow’s songs on the radio, but I actually like this one for some reason that I just start to randomly sing it as soon as I hear it. Now I’m thinking of adding to the soundtrack of a future fanfiction project.

There’s always going to be an artist you don’t particularly like but there’s one song that you do enjoy. But if I had to choose, I still think Lana Del Rey still wins it comes to female pop voices that are supposed to have that dreamy feel to it. I think it’s safe to say this pretty song is my guilty pleasure though.

Delain – Moth to a Flame

I hereby dedicate this song to my new fictional crush, Sun-King Avad, this is for you. This song is perfect for him, it’s a song about declaring love, almost to the point of obsession but in a good way of course. Move over The Weeknd, this is the real deal! Sorry not sorry!

Some say this song is a lot like Every Time We Touch by Cascada, once I realized I was in love with Avad and could no longer deny it, this song became the anthem for that love, just like all of the characters have a song I have given to them, whether its the lyrics or the melody. All I can think about is Avad when I listen to this song, or I’m serenading him with this song, so yeah. Anyway, this is one of my favourite songs from Delain’s new album, damn two symphonic metal bands I love released albums this month! I will say I actually loved this one more than Xandria’s album, you’ll hear my full thoughts when the review is ready.

That’s it for this month, I feel broke with the money I spent on my car so I highly doubt I will be spending any money on any new games for a while until I’m settled with this new budget. Thankfully, these expenses are mainly one-time things or only have to be every few years! But I love my car, I never thought I’d make it to this rite with some of the challenges I’ve faced in driving but here we are! Here’s hoping I can successfully pass my G next winter.


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